"We can make the distance work. Motionless in White is gonna tour down in Virginia soon, we'll make this work" he insisted.

"You're my best friend's cousin" I told him.

"Ryan-Ashley can't do anything, please say yes" he begged.

"Fine!" I said, giving him a kiss.

"Thank you!" He said.

That was the day I thought my life was getting better.

- flashback over-

I didn't even like him like that, but I just developed feelings as we dated. We texted each other and called each other every night, my dad actually approved of him.

TJ wanted to meet my dad. Everything was working, the distance didn't affect us, we didn't care about it, but he second I texted him the news that I was pregnant, I never heard back from him. Ryan-Ashley had to tell me that TJ no longer wanted a relationship with me.

It crushed me. My dad was pissed that TJ broke my heart, but was even more pissed that he got me pregnant. Dad was also pissed at me for being irresponsible and not having protected sex, again.

My dad wanted me to stay a virgin, as do all fathers wish of their daughters. He was religious and believed that sex before marriage was a sin. So, he was pissed that I didn't get married before having sex.

After about a week, my dad calmed down and looked forward to becoming a grandfather.

Both our hearts were crushed when I had the miscarriage.

I was depressed for the longest time. I was so depressed that I joined a dating website for goth people. I used to be really goth and this site was the perfect dating site for me.

After about a month, I got a connection to a man named Richard Allen.

We liked the same bands, same color and he lived in my home town.

We talked in the chatroom for about a month before exchanging numbers, then we texted and called each other nonstop.

About two weeks after we exchanged numbers, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I stupidly said yes.

I knew he wasn't a rapist because he didn't seem like one. Which is stupid to say because you can never be sure.

Six months after dating, he said that he loved me for the first time. I didn't have any doubt of loving him. I knew that I loved him with all my heart.

Another six months later, I started asking if we could meet so we can celabrate our one year anniversary together.

He said no and that he was busy and that he would talk to me on our anniversary.

I was sad but I didn't push the subject further.

As time went on, I asked him from time to time if we could meet and it was always the same answer. No. Just a simple, one word answer. When I would ask why, he would change the subject.

It was that way up until I started pushing the subject. He would get pissed and hang up on me.

I should have broken up with him when he refused to see me. I guess you can't change the past...

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