Chapter Seventeen

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I got home with anger taking over everything I usually am able to control. As soon as I walked into my bedroom I punched the pillow really hard, trying to control myself. I still haven't figured out why Lauren was protecting herself away from me so much. Everytime we look at each other, everything around me stop. It's like she has the power to make me concentrate in only one thing, her. I want her, I need her.

With my hands on my forehead, I was sitting in my bed just trying to put everything together. If she doesn't care about the rumours, why was she acting like that? I can't let her go knowing it might be my fault, even not knowing what I did to lose her like that.

"Is Alex home?" I asked his mom on the phone. She has been friends with my mom since me and Alex became friends. "I'm sorry Austin, but he went to Lauren's house! She lives close to you, maybe you could go there too" she answered with a sweet and caring voice. I said that I would just wait and she agreed and hanged up the phone.

I was watching TV alone in my bedroom when I noticed that my mom was at the door. "Hey mom, what's up?" I asked trying to change my face from sad to excited because of spring break. We are going to Hailey's beach house in two days, because she changed the date of the trip to saturday. At the beggining I was really hyped about it, but now it's like that house will be the center of a tornado. Me, Vanessa, Hailey and specially Lauren will be together at the same place for a week, and I don't know how are we gonna manage to ignore everything that has been happening lately.

"Austin... Are you ok?" my mom asked looking at me layed in my bed doing absolutely nothing. "Yes mom, I am" I said back to her, trying to make her believe in me. "I don't know what's happening to you Austin... There are days when you're really happy but then all of the sudden, your humor is upside down. Does it has to do with Lauren or...?" she asked me looking worried.


"He doesn't hate you, why can't you believe in me?" I said to Lauren while she tried to explain herself. "How can you seriously think he doesn't like you? He would never fight for any girl like he did for you. Do you think he still likes Vanessa? He doesn't at all and I think he finally understood who she is for real."

She looked down trying to put everything together. She is broken, and someone that doesn't know her so well won't even noticed.

But I do.

"I think I need some time alone Alex... I'm sorry" she said gasping the words. "Are you-" I asked when she cutted me with a rough "Yes, please". She guided me to the door, and before leaving, I hugged her just so she knows that I'm here, always.


Without knowing what to do, I decided that staying home with my family would be the better option. My mom came home from the supermarket after taking Amy from childrengarden and my dad came home before her before his work released him sooner. I spent about thirty minutes talking to him about the trip on saturday. He accepted that I could go, but he also wanted to know every detail of it. The telephone of the house, adress and who I was going with. Well, that was when I remembered that Austin was going too.


Right after closing the door behind me, I saw a familiar car in front of the house. I didn't really payed attention to that, but when I crossed the street, I saw the window opening and I saw the face of the person I wasn't expecting. "Alex, get inside the car. I'll give you a ride" he said before unlocking the door of the seat next to him.

"Austin? Hm, sure... What are you doing here?" I asked a bit confused. "Well, I actually need to talk to you..." Austin said. I knew exactly what he was talking about, but it's always good to let him talk. "It's about Lauren right?" I asked softly. He looked directly at me and asked "How did you- Oh, forget it... What did she said?." I stopped. I had no idea what was good for me to tell him. "Hm, she told me that you two had a fight, but that's it" I said with fear inside me.

"It wasn't just a fight... She just doesn't want me. I should've gave up right when I noticed, but there's something that always brings me back to her." he explained himself. "Austin... I know you and I know exactly what you're feeling. You are probably scared to admit it, but you're in love with Lauren" I said trying to make him think.

"Love? It can't be... I-" Austin replied with his mind probably spinning in circles. He took a deep breath and I continued. "What else could it be Austin? Think closely... The first time you saw her, the look you two are always changing, your heartbeat getting faster... The first kiss. There's no other option Austin. It's love and, deep inside, you know it."

I Ain't Going Nowhere (Austin Mahone Love Story / Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang