Chapter Nine

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She smiled at me because I just wanted to dare her to kiss me, but I couldn't. "I dare you to go to the neighbors house and ring the bell, and right when he opens the door you need to scream 'HAHAHA GOTCHA YOU' and run away" I said while everyone laughed. "I just won't do this, oh my gosh. I can't believe you... Seriously?" She replied also laughing. We all went outside the house to watch the scene and then she did, and the neighbor kept yelling "Kids nowadays... You can never understand them! Go away from my house and leave me alone!". She ran to the park in front of Vanessa's house and we all went there to find her. Suddenly, we heard her's and Alyssa's laughs and we all got together close to a bench. "That was hilarious! Good job Lauren!" Alex exclamed and Lauren slapped him as a joke. We all were still laughing and got back inside. We decided to play a little more, and the bottle stopped on Alyssa having to ask Lauren. She picked Lauren, and she was thinking when she gave me a weird look. "I dare you to... Kiss..." she said and gave a thought when Hailey screamed "AUSTIN!". We looked at each other trying not to look obvious. Her eyes were wide opened and after taking a breath she said "Well, he needs to be ok with it...". Alyssa added "Tongue kiss. At least ten seconds" and both of us changed looks again. Everyone's eyes were at us, specially Alex's and Vanessa's eyes. I decided that I couldn't turn it down, or that would be a sign. Just like we were only friends, I agreed with it.

We were sitting by each others side, so I turned my head and holded her neck, massaging it a little while we kissed. She had this thing when she always smiled through a kiss, and I could feel how tense her lips were from trying not to do it. Her warm lips touched mine and I couldn't get tired of that. Alyssa started a countdown till the 10 seconds mark, and when she said "zero" Lauren tried to pull herself but I holded her softly for about five more seconds. "Wow, okay... This game is getting a little hot, maybe we should just do something else" Vanessa said while staring at me and Lauren deeply in the eyes. She stood up and everyone followed her outside, and sitted in one of the chairs near the pool. We kept chilling there for about an hour, and then Alex came into the subject that I was a great singer. I didn't wanted everyone to know about it, cause I didn't thought I was so good and maybe people would make fun of me. Everyone asked me to sing, but I did the excuse that I wasn't going to do it acapella, so they just kinda forgot about it. I was getting tired at that time so I asked Lauren if we could already go and she agreed, cause I was giving her a ride. We said goodbye to everyone and I noticed that Vannessa said she was going to walk home and she didn't accepted my ride, so me and Lauren got inside the car. It was about 1am and the streets looked dangerous, so that was the reason that we got the car. On our way to her place, where I would drop her, she turned the radio and "Little Things" by One Direction was playing. She started to sing to it quietly, almost making no sound and moving her lips. I looked at her and laughed a little. "Why are you laughing?" she asked me turning her head. "Why don't you sing?" I asked laughing. She told me that she just wasn't in the mood. After about ten seconds, without realizing, I started to sing the song and she looked at me smiling, and in the middle of it, she joined me. Her singing voice wasn't so good like a professional, but it was cute to watch it anyways. I wasn't going to tell her that, but I loved. "Well, I guess this is where I leave" she said opening the car door. "Austin, you didn't unlocked it" she said while I replied "I know". She smiled at me

and we both got closer to each other. I leaned myself closer to her and teasing a little, she went a little back. I laughed quietly and holded her waist, pulling her closer. A small goodnight kiss turned into a little makeout session. I couldn't let her go, I just wanted to be like that till I couldn't anymore. She was about to open the door again when I looked at her in the eyes. "Goodnight beautiful. I'm gonna miss you." I said while she smiled at the floor. Gosh, she was killing me without even knowing it.

I Ain't Going Nowhere (Austin Mahone Love Story / Fan Fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ