Chapter Thirteen

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Maybe she wanted a break. Maybe she needed some time, or maybe she just didn't wanted any rumour. She was scared, and I could easilly see it on her eyes. When I tried to talk to her during classes, I saw those beautiful brown eyes staring directly at me and I saw the pain behind it. Even tough I wanted to hold her, I couldn't. I needed to let her go. I stopped holding her arm and I could only watch her going far away from me and disappearing into the crowd of people running. I wanted to talk to her, even though I had nothing to say. I didn't knew what to say, specially because I had no idea of who made that rumour. The number on everyone's phones were seen as "uunknown number" and I wish I had a way to find out who had done that.

When I saw her at the end of the day, I wanted to go to her and give her a hug so badly, but I knew I needed to let her do whatever she wanted. I was talking to Alex and when I gave her a look, she was just staring at me with sad eyes but I holded myself and just turned my eyes to Alex again. He told me that he could give me a ride after having lunch, so we got inside his car and drove to Mc Donalds. I was the kind of person obsessed with junk food, specially pizza. That's still my biggest weakness. I got two hamburgers and a super cold coke, and Alex took only one hamburger. We decided to eat it on the parking lot at Mc Donalds for some stupid reason so we were sitting there when I saw Vanessa with Mathew going inside. She didn't saw us when she got inside, but when she was leavinf she noticed both of us. She told Mathew to wait and went to where we were.

"What are you two doing here? Is it a date?" she said sounding cocky but as a joke. Alex laughed but I didn't gave it too much attention. She was staring at me in a strange way when she said "What happened Austin? Are you dreaming about last night? Get over it, you two had sex and now that's all. You're a guy, there's no big deal about it". I couldn't believe in her. I really thought she was changing after we broke up for some reason, but she wasn't. She was still that controller and selfish girl she was before. I had no idea what to tell her, because only one wrong word could ruin everything. I looked at her with my eyes burning. "It's time for us to go home" I said as I went inside the car. She was staring at me embarassed, so Alex followed me getting inside and drove me home.

All the way, we haven't spoken a single word. It was just the silence filling up the place. When I said "Thanks for the ride" and I was about to open the door, Alex asked me something. "Austin... Why haven't you told me that you and Lauren were going on a date?" he said looking a little upset. I never thought that he would be mad about it, so I answered him with the truth. "I couldn't let anyone know about it, and I was scared to share it" and with those words, I saw him a little confused so I added "I trust you so much man, but it was something between two people and I didn't wanted to let everyone know right now, but now everything is messed up". Alex looked down and then took a deep breath. It was like he was about to tell me something big, and that's exactly what he did.


"I know who texted that picture to everyone" I said. Her eyes were scared but at the same time she was paying so much attention. "You won't tell anyone right?" I asked her again to make sure. She answered me that she wouldn't and asked if I was going to tell the name of the person. I sighed at the first moment but I realized that I couldn't give up at that time. "It was Vanessa but-" I said when she cutted me with a angry voice saying "Vanessa? Are you lying to me? Why she would do that?". I had no idea what to tell her. "If you wanna talk to her, go for it... Just please don't tell her that I told you" and the only reason why I said that is because I was scared of Vanessa. She owned the school, and if she knew that I betraied her like that, I would be the most hatted girl in the whole school. I remember when Vanessa said "It was just a joke, Lau and Austin are not gonna even care and they are going to thank me later for showing them as a couple to everyone instead of being in a secret relationship" and the way the words came out, she really thought that she was doing the right thing. When she said that, me, Robert and Alex (who were also there) looked at her in a weird way. I was pretty sure Lauren was about to go to Vanessa's just to fight with her, but that wasn't what happened.


I took a deep breath and thought to myself. "Fighting with her isn't worth it. I need to do something that she's gonna feel the same way I felt when I got to school today" and that was the only thing going through my head. I know it sounds mean, but I wanted to make a plan just to make her feel bad. I can't lie saying that I would never forgive her. If I realized that she was sorry and understood her reasons, I would. She was my best friend since I moved and I loved her from the bottom of my heart, and that was one of the reasons why it hurted me so much to know that she had done that, and that's when I realized how stupid I was. I fighted with Austin over something that wasn't his fault at all, and he probably didn't wanted anything with me. I never thought she was the kind of jerk guy because of the way he acted, but there was something always telling me how he was such a player, and that always messed with my head. I told Hailey that I wanted to go home and think about everything, and she looked confused. She was probably picturing a scene where me and Vanessa started this fight in the middle of the school and cursing each other.

When I got home, my dad was obviously at work and my mom was watching TV with Amy on the couch. I told them that I had arrived but I needed to study because we were having summer vacations two days after and I needed to pass the spanish test, which was on wednesday. I opened the books and started to study, and when I got hungry I got downstairs again, made myself a sandwich and went to bed right after. That day was so exhausting. Just the feeling of going to school on the next day was killing me.


We got to school at the next day and everything was going perfectly fine. Lauren wasn't so mad like she was the day before and Austin didn't even talked to me. Everyone was still talking about the rumours of them having sex and it was hilarious. I'm not a bad person, I was just trying to help them to expose their relationship and make a few jokes about it. They weren't talking to each other, but I didn't gave it too much attention. At the english class we had a test, and since I sucked at it, I tried to get help from Lauren in the middle of it. "Hey... Lauren... Do you know the answer of the 4b?" I whispered to her so the teacher wouldn't listen. She didn't responded to me, and I tried once more but still got no reply. She obviously listened to me, because I was sitting right behind her and I was literally with my mouth on her ear. I hated when people ignored me, so I had the feeling that she was still unfocused about what was going on around her. After the class, I called her name and said "Why were you ignoring me?" and she looked at me in a cocky way. "I don't know what are you talking about, I haven't heard anything" she said before giving me a little smile and walking away.

I Ain't Going Nowhere (Austin Mahone Love Story / Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now