Chapter Five

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Musics for this chapter:

Should've kissed you - Chris Brown

Drops of Jupiter - Train

Please be mine - Jonas Brothers


After everyone left, my parents got home. They asked me if someone came home, and I wouldn't lie to them. I told them about Alex, Sarah and Austin but I had to say they stayed till 7pm or they would kill me. My mom was not the kind of mad person, but my dad was more rigid. I love them both, but I knew that when I needed something, my mom was the best choice cause my dad took things too serious. They brought pizza for dinner, and after it I went upstairs to take a shower and just relax a little. I saw a text from Vanessa. At that moment, I got a little scared from what it could say. She texted "Do you like Austin?". Worse of all: I had no idea with she was mad or being serious. It's a text, there's no way to know it. I wanted to tell her so badly. I was tired of hiding it and now that he was single, I thought I had a chance. Sounds stupid cause he still likes her. Remember when Alex asked me what he should've told Austin? Austin likes her, even not realizing it. What is not to like? She's gorgeous and she's the most popular girl ever. I felt stupid by lieing to someone else, but I couldn't let anyone else know it. I told her that no, and she texted back. "Then why did you two kissed? I mean, he was the one that kissed you?". She sounded so curious about it and it was a little weird, so I said "I don't know, I guess it was something from the moment. We both got confused after. I have to go to bed... We talk tomorrow" and with that I ended the converstation. I went to sleep hoping that, at the next day, no one would come to me to talk about it.

I woke up at 7am, and since school only started at 8am I took my breakfast. After it, I went upstairs again to change clothes. It was a hot day, so I wore some jeans shorts and a light green shirt on top of it, with my new white vans. I've tolded Vanessa the day before that I was going with my mom to school, but she begged me to go with her. I went to her place about 10 minutes before like usual, so I waited on the door and she told me to wait outside cause she was ready but she forgot her phone. While I was there, I realized it was a mistake to go with her to school. She could ask me anything, and I'm not a good liar. I could be making the biggest mistake of my life. Sounds exagerated right? I know, but at that moment I was scared. She opened the door and we went together to the car. As soon as we got in the car, I noticed her mom wasn't there. "She's not coming today, I'm driving us to school" she said a little cocky. At that moment, I understood the message. She obvisouly wanted to talk to me. On the ride, she started to talk. "Oh, I need to ask you something. What do you think about me dating Mathew?'. I couldn't believe in those words. She broke up with Austin one day before and because of me, and now she was asking me if she could date some 21 year old jerk. My answer? A simple and clear "Go for it, if you like him". It was the right thing to say. I don't think it was the right thing to do. Austin would be hurted, but I didn't wanted to be the one telling her who she can date and when she can do it.


As soon as I got to school I had no idea if everyone already knew about me and Vanessa, so I just went straight to my locker. As soon as I got there, I looked at my right and I saw Vanessa and Lauren walking in the hallway. Like always, everyone was looking at Vanessa like she owned the school, but I was focused on the girl next to her. The one with shorts and a simple shirt. They walked pass me, and usually Vanessa would just come to me and we would make out just that she could make everyone look at us. Lauren walked next to me after her and smiling waving to me. I waved back and continued to get my notebooks. Alex came with Robert right after them. We talked a little bit and then it was time to go to class. I went alone to the classroom, and I wasn't paying attention to anything and I bumped into someone, and when I went to look who the person was I realized it was Vanessa. In that moment, it got a little awkward. We looked at each other and she looked down. "Hmm, Austin can I talk to you in private?" she asked a little embarassed. She walked to a corner next to some lockers and told me that she told a few people about the breakup and that I broke up with her, cause it would be good for both of us popularity. Did she was really thinking about me too? She had never acted like that before. She was thinking about someone else other than herself, and a thought came in my head. Maybe she was accepting it so good cause she wanted to break up. Maybe she didn't wanted to be with me anymore. The weirdest part is that I could see how embarassed she was while saying those things. I'm not saying she completely changed or something like that, but I knew that something happened and maybe changed her mind. I told her that we were good, and after a hug we said goodbye and I went to my spanish class. I know, Lauren was in this class with me. I got inside and sitted next to her. She smiled at me, and as you already know, she smiled at the ground after. The class started and the teacher told us that they were going to a school project where we needed to build a model of a famous place of Mexico or Argentina. For my teacher, those were the only places where people talk spanish cause she's basically obsessed with it. So, I had no friends other than Lauren in that class, only a few people that I don't talk too much, so I called her to do it with me. I realized that she laughed a little, and I got a little embarassed. I had no idea why she did that, but it's okay cause she accepted to do it with me. We decided in that class that we were going to make a model of the "Casa Rosada", which is basically a pink house in Arentina, so we thought it was easier to make. I was the kind of person you say that can't even make a paper airplane cause it would end up wrong. Yes, I sucked at arts, but for my luck, Lauren wasn't. I saw her drawing on her notebook a few days before and it was amazing. We also decided that we would start the project at the next day at my house, cause then we would have time to buy the materials and get ready to it. I thought we would need about two days to finish it, but she made sure to tell me how easy it was. Of course, for her. The class ended, and after all those classes all I wanted to do was go home. I took my car and went on my way.

I Ain't Going Nowhere (Austin Mahone Love Story / Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now