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I was standing there shocked at swing my brother Nathan Hart he had to go with my dad because they made a deal "Nathan"I say jumping on him hugging him he takes a minute to react but soon wraps his arms around me I untangle myself from him and go back to josh who looks furious u laugh at it he looks at me confused "hosh this is my older brother Nathan he use to live with my dad my mom got me and my dad got him it was I guess its called fair bit anyways Nathan this is my fiancé Joshua Matthews and I'll be right back"I walk away and go get clave I come back and see them talking "up this is pur son Caleb and I am pregnant again with another baby Caleb this is your uncle Nathan" I say handling him to Nathan he giggles and hugs him Nathan smiles and I'm at home my big brother my child and my fiancé I feel safe until Bang Bang Nathan falls to the floor and I see a women standing there about to shoot until Lucas hopped in front of me he dropped to the ground too I was so enreged I went after her and jumped on top of her I grabbed her wrist and banged it against the ground until she dropped the gun I wished tiklk the cops arrived and got off of her they rushed Lucas and Nathan to the hospital along with Caleb I was crying uncontrollably me and josh road with clave in the back of the ambulance we arrived
3 hours later
Me and hpjosh were waiting there for like hours until the doctor came out "Caleb and Nathan are just fine but Lucas on the other hand has slipped in a coma"Missy starts crying ugh can anyone shut her up josh is holding Caleb "excuse me?" "Yes ma'am?"the doctor the asks "well when can I see them?"the reason claeb is out because he only needed rest he fell with Nathan thank god Nathan didn't drop him and I'm glad he's safe my lil baby and now "you can go see Nathan now and Lucas we don't know when but I'll get back to you on that" "thank you doc"I say as I lead off to GI find Nathan's room I find it and walk in he's still sleeping but I go in anyway I grab his hand and kiss it I kiss iphis for head adpnd he wakes up "I'm glad your okay" "me too I love ya lil sis" "love you too" with that I walk out seeing josh flirting with another girl I go back to Nathan grab his water go out and josh is kissing her how nivpce I walk up to them and pour water on josh "what the hell Maya" I pick my phone out of my pocket I got inturuppted pby the doctor "Lucas has waken up and house ago and currently talking to a missy" "thank you"as that happens I see Missy storm out and Riley making out with some boy I walk away because my Mon and Shawn got Caleb I walk to the room Lucas is in "hey"he says hpand I realize he can see the tears that were stained on mtpy rosey cheeks "come here"he says while holding his arms out I walk over to him he moves over and let's me lay down with him he wraps his muscular arms around me I felt so safe now he was safe I cried into lucas' muscuklar form "so did you and Missy break up?" "Yep I realized I had feelings for someone else" "who?" "You." He says while leaning to kiss me I didn't resist and then our lips met

Tomorrow And Back                                 {UNDER MAJOR EDITING}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon