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4 months later
Any day now I should be having the baby me and Josh are excited me and him have have decorated the nursury for a baby boy we can't wait till he's born seeing the fact I would be irrataed a lot since I'm pregnant I wasn't because josh actually liked everything I picked for the baby so we haven't fought my mom got a better job she now gets paid 8.89 an hour she lives in a actual house now and she always gives us money josh and me are always together his parents are helping so ewe are good he is taking a gap year from college since the baby will be born in in September he will have a year with the baby and Mr.Matthews is giving me all the assignments until I can get back to school me ad josh are currently watching the vampire diaries I love it that he loves all the same shows as me
•Pretty little liars

•The Fosters

•Swithched at birth


•The vampire diaries

Of course me and him watch sports together we watch football and basketball we go for Denver,Broncos and Chicago,Bulls "hey Maya the couch is weyt what happened" at that seconds I felt pain and screamed "Maya what's wrong!" Vthe baby is coming!!" He got the bag and we headed to the car it took us about 2 or 3 minutes to get to the hospital they got me in right away I was dialated to 7 centimetres only 3 more about an hour later I was at 10 centimetres it's probably the fastest birth I've witnessed josh came in with a sea foam greens shirt and psants he cam to my side and held on to my hand "ok Maya on the count of 3 push ok ready 1 2 3 push!" Iushed "ok 3 more times 1 2 3 push!" I pushed again still screaming "ok 2 more times 1 2 3 push!" I did as she said "ok I see the head 1 more big push ready 1 2 3 push!" I let out the last push and I heard a baby crying I smiled at josh and let out tears he caught off the cord then the nurse took the baby to wash it off and came back to give to me I held the baby in my arms well I held MY baby in my arms I looked over at josh and back at Caleb he looked exactly like josh and it made me smile he had a mop of hair for a brand new baby he had just wow it was brown and he had chocolate eyes he was gorgeous I love him "ok what would you like to name him?" The doctor asked I looked at josh and smiled then "Caleb Corey Shawn Matthews-Hart" "thank you" she said then left josh just simply smiled then all of the family bolted in I laughed a little Riley came over first "what's his name?" She asked ever so delicatly "Caleb Corey Shawn Matthews-Hart"Corey and Shawn looked at me and smiled I couldn't help but smile back Topanga came up to me "can I hold him?" She asked I handed Caleb over to her and smiled josh kissed me and I was happy that I have a family

Yay they have a family I'm so happy are you guys comment down and I'm sorry I haven't updated I m still on va-cay and I couldn't because I was visiting family all over but thanx for reading love you.❤

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