Chapter 30: Disappearance

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I missed another day of school.

What did I expect? This baby thing is hard to do. I really don't feel good today. I woke up and looked in the mirror. My hair was a got mess. I left it how it was because I didn't have to show out for anyone.

After I finished brushing my teeth and such, I walked downstairs. I quickly noticed that Quise was no where in the house. He left me a note: Out doing business with Mark. Be back soon.

I took the note and threw it in the trash. Quise was hardly ever here anymore. Here I am during one of the most difficult times in my life, and he's running around trying to be a gangster. I sighed and poured me some cereal before going to watch TV in the living room.

I turned on the news when I realized nothing else was on. It was the usual type of stories, murders and what the weather was. I lost interest and began looking around the entire room. When my eyes met the table, I saw Quise's phone. Like any normal girlfriend, I picked it up and began going through it. Quise was a cute guy and he's had a rough past with girls so I was as always worried.

I scrolled all the way down and luckily didn't find any girl contact names. I saw Sean's number and decided to read their messages. I accidentally clicked Mark's messages. I thought that there messages wouldn't have anything that interested me until something caught my eye. Quise sent a message last night saying:

Yhu got him yet?

I had no idea what Quise was talking about. They could've been talking about picking up a kid. Mark never talked about him having any kids, though. I continued reading.

Mark: Yeah. I got the nigga. Nearly made me kill him in the process.

Now I know it's something serious. I continued reading until I read it all.

Quise: Is this really necessary?

Mark: Nigga what chu mean? He owe me money and he tried to embarrass you in front of yo girl. He gonna keep doing that shit and imma still not have my money. Get me?

Quise: Yeah. I getchu. Where the place again?

Mark: 1945 Bushnell Lane.

Quise: Cool. I'll meet you there

I put the phone down in shock. I was a pretty smart girl and could understand what was they were talking about. Mark went and kidnapped Marcus because he owed him money and tried to get Quise on his side because Quise hated him. I didn't know what to do on the situation.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I was on edge. Maybe Mark had cameras around the house and found out that I knew what was happening and came to get me. I grabbed a vase on the table and walked slowly towards the door. When I opened it it was even more scarier than I imagined.

"Where's Quise at? I need to ask him something." my ex-best friend said. I nearly cried because I missed her so much and she looked so angry at me.

Still, I couldn't let her know I was broken. I straightened myself and looked at her. "He's not here. He's... out."

"Well he wouldn't care if I came around and looked then, would he?"

"No. Come right on in." I opened the door and gestured for her to come in. She rolled her eyes and walked past me.

As she started looking around, I sat back on the couch. I stared at the phone that was sitting on the table. I didn't know if I should tell her about it or not. It did involve someone very important to her though.

I heard her walk down the stairs. I hesitated telling her. But then I thought about it. How would I feel if something happened to Quise and someone didn't tell me? "Athena."

"Yeah?" she said as she stared at me.

"I have to show you something." she stared at me a little longer before sighing and walking towards me. She sat down on the couch.

I handed her the message. I told her which message to read and she did it. I watched her face as she read the messages. She seemed very focused, which was something I missed about her. Wherever she was trying to solve something, she devoted everything into it.

She looked up after she finished reading. "So the guard was probably dead that night." she mumbled to her self.


"Nothing." Athena picked up her purse and headed for the door.

"Wait! Where are you going?" I asked her before she could get farther than the living room.

"To get Marcus. What do you think?"

"You can't go there by yourself. They'll hurt you. " I told her. I didn't care now. I wanted her to know I cared.

"Since when did you care about me being hurt? You hurt my feelings plenty of times. And what's left to do-- call the police?"

"No. You can't do that. I can't have my child grow up without a father. I can't be another stereotype." I felt tears fall out of my eyes.

"Then what Melissa?"

"Let me... Let me go with you." I studdered.

"Why the heck would I do that?"

"They won't hurt me. I'm pregnant with Quise's child remember?"

Athena sat there and I assumed she was thinking it through. She looked at me for a long time. "Let's go."

So yeah.... Sorry everyone. Like truly. This time it was my fault. So I was typing right, and when I came back, half of it was gone. It really made me mad so I put it back a little.

So the end is near everyone! Have you looked the book? This book has been more successful than I thought it would be. So thank you reader. Thank you very much.

What do you think will happen next? Will Athena and Melissa make up? What will Quise or Mark do when they meet the ladies? Do you think someone will die?

So in unrelated news. You guys can follow me on Instagram at Jay_thaceleb. Or twitter @jaythaceleb. Have fun seeing my ugly self.

As always...

You guys inspire me!!

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