I Still Choose You

Start from the beginning

As it was she didn't have time to worry about her and Oliver's changing relationship. Lance had called. Laurel was in the hospital. She and Diggle went to the foundry so she could dig through the hospital records. Sara was there and from the looks of it was releasing some anger on the Weng Chun dummy.

"Sara," she asked hesitantly. "Are you okay?" She didn't startle. She had known only few people came down to the foundry and the ones that did she trusted.

"Not really." She grabbed a towel and wiped her neck and turned to her. "Whoa..."

"What?" She asked confused only to see Sara's gaze go to her stomach. "Oh...that."

"Apparently I'm not the only one with problems. Uh..Congratulations," she said slowly.


"I'm surprised Ollie still lets you down here."

Why does everyone keep saying that?

"Oh, we had a strongly worded conversation about it. He saw reason."

"Only when you're involved does he do that." Felicity blushed lightly and turned. "I don't want to pry but..."

"It's okay, there's only guys down here. I'm glad to have another woman to talk too. Pry away..."

"So you and Ollie?" Crap...why hadn't she seen that one coming?

"Uh...yes...I mean no. Yes." UGH! "I actually don't know. If you find out,please let me know."

Sara laughed a little but the tension soon returned and she started to do the Salmon Ladder... for a whole hour. How was that even possible? Oliver walked in and came to stand next to her. She glanced at him.

"She's been doing that for an hour." Sara let go of the bar and landed lightly on her ninja feet.

"How's Laurel?" She questioned.

"She's going to be fine. You saved her life." She nodded and started to walk away. She and Diggle stepped over to the computers. She had a sneaking suspicion and she was going to see where it led. Moira Queen was hiding something and she was going to find out what that something was.

He followed Sara across the room. "Where are you going?"

"The League is still after me Ollie. If I stay I'm putting my whole family at risk... including yours." He tilted his head. "You didn't have to say anything, neither did she. You're going to be a Dad Ollie. That's amazing." He sighed and nodded. "I know what you're thinking. You think you can't have a family, that you can't have a life."

"I can't Sara," he said. He had kept Felicity at arms length the past week because he was afraid he was going to fail her again. What he didn't realize was that the only way he was failing her was that he was refusing to try to be close to her. Even when he told her he wanted to be.

"But you can Oliver. You know why? Because you have a light inside of you. It's something I lost. But you? You have chance at redemption. Don't mess it up." She pulled her shirt over her head. He stayed silent mulling her words over. "Everything aside, imagine you're just a normal guy for a second. Not Oliver Queen or the Arrow, just you. Does that guy want a family?" He swallowed. He did. Desperately. It scared him.

"Yes," he choked out.

"That's your answer. You've never been afraid of anything. Don't start now. Make a decision and stick with it. You want her, you want your baby, you want a life? Then take it. Life is fleeting and people like us don't get second chances often. Your life is never going to be normal but that doesn't mean it can't be a happy one."

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