I Still Choose You

Start from the beginning

"What were you and Walter talking about?"

No more secrets, she told herself. She looked at Moira and turned herself a little more in his direction and lowered her voice when she answered. She didn't want to worry Oliver over it. She already didn't like his mother and she didn't want him to think she was digging into her without cause.

"There was an old account he had asked me to look into last year. It became active again so I wanted to give him the opportunity to speak with the owner about it before there was any action taken. Oh...and he offered me his congratulations."

Oliver choked. Moira glanced across the table at him and Felicity started to roll her chair away but Oliver grabbed the arm again.

"That's uh, nice of him. Did he say anything else?" He questioned.

"Like what? I'm excited to have a ex-step-grandchild? No Oliver he didn't say anything,"she whispered. He took a deep breath and started fidgeting. "Relax."

"I know," he sighed. "I just don't want this to get out yet. The press would eat you alive and on top of my mom's campaign? It would be a nightmare."

She took his hand under the table. "It's going to be fine."

"But what if it isn't?" he replied.

"Oliver, this baby is coming, there's no stopping it. If you plan on being a part of his-"

"Or hers," he said softly.

"Right, or her's life then we're going to have to figure something out eventually." He sent her a warning glare that said 'I'm going to be, don't even start.' She squeezed his hand. "I don't think this is the best place or time for this conversation, we'll talk about it later." She started to get up when his hand grabbed hers.

"Do you want a boy or a girl?' He whispered to her." She looked at Moira and Thea again, the latter sent her slight smile across the table and she returned it.

"Really Oliver? Right now?"

"The lives we lead Felicity." She sighed. Of course he'd would pull the 'We never know what's just around the corner' card.

"A boy...I've always wanted a boy first." Her lips stretched into a smile at the thought before she caught what she had said and turned to him quickly. "And when I say first I just mean as in my first baby or only, not that we're going to have multiple babies. I was just saying." He squeezed her hand to cut off her babble. She smiled wanly at him.

"What about you?" She asked.

"I'd be happy with either, just as long as it's healthy."

"C'mon, that's the generic answer and you're anything but generic." He sent her a smile. She could read him like a book and he knew it too.

"Okay... a girl," he declared softly.

She looked at him like it was the first time and she wondered vacantly if everyone else could see the love she had in her eyes for this man. Oliver Queen wanted a daughter. That sent a thrill through her knowing that he had thought about it.

Moira and Thea rose from the table, done with their meeting and followed the manager into the outer room's, Oliver moved to walk them out but before he left he turned back to her with a smirk.

"If it doesn't work out then I'll guess we'll just have to try again."

He buttoned his suit jacket, winked and strode from the room answering his phone as he went leaving her speechless.

She wasn't even sure where their relationship stood and now he was talking about more babies? Who was this man?

She was pretty sure her face was as red as a fire truck. She swore he liked to say stuff like that just to make her blush. How could he go from sweet to so infuriating in the next moment?

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