38# Impossible

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Song: Impossible- Shontelle.
"Good morning." I smiled stepping in my office.
"Good morning." Irene and Matt smiled back.
"Are you okay, Dareen?" Irene turned to me.
"Yeah, why?" I smiled.
"I don't know. It looks like you're putting on weight real quick, and that's unhealty. We can go to see a doctor if you want."
"No, it's normal." I shrugged faking a smile as they passed me a questionning look. "I'm pregnant." I shrugged.
"What?" She gasped, "You're kidding, right?"
"I don't think so." I shook my head rubbing my belly.
"Congrats, Dareen." She smiled getting up to give me a hug.
"Are you okay, Matt?" I turned to him to see his face turning white.
"Yeah, I'm- I'm totally fine. Conrats." He smiled faintly before putting on his glasses once again.
"Thank you." I smiled faintly, but deep down, I felt horrible for cutting all his hopes in this cruel way, but I had no choice...
"Miss Isaac, Sir Leo wants you in the meeting room." One of the workers stepped in.
"Alright, I'm coming." I nodded picking up my laptop and notebook before walking towards the meeting room.
"Sorry for making you wait, but Miss Isaac knows more details about the deal than me." Leo smiled.
"It's not a problem." I shrugged turning around at the sound of the door openning, and my heart fell.
My eyes studied her face, and she looked taken off back more than I was, but my feelings grew hundred times more when my eyes landed on her belly.
This can't be...
"Let me introduce you-" Leo started breaking the silent.
"There's no need, sir. Sir Elliot was my previous boss." She smiled extending her hand for me to shake.
How could she act so normal in a matter of seconds.
It looks like she moved on faster than I thought she would.
"Oh, I totally forgot."
"It's great to see you again, sir."
"Th-thank you." I stuttered.
"Okay, you don't have to remain standing, Miss Isaac. Please take a seat." He nodded at her as she took the seat right across of me.
"Alright, please look at this." She started.

"Sir Elliot, can you hear me?" Dareen's voice snapped me out of my daydream.
"Yeah." I nodded, "what were you saying?" I shook my head.
"She was asking if you wanted to ask any other questions." Leo said quietly.
"N-no, I really like this deal, and I think that we will work together." I smiled at him as his secretary stepped in.
"Sorry for cutting you off, sir, but there's something urgent." She said quickly.
"I can't come, now." He shook his head, but she insisted.
"You can go, sir. We finished everything anyway. My secretary will set a time for us to sign the contract if that's okay with you."
"Of course." He smiled.
"Alright, I'll leave, now, and Miss Isaac will walk me downstairs. Don't worry." I shrugged as she glared at me.
"Thank you. I'm sorry for eveything though. Thanks for understanding." He shook my hand before walking out.
"From here, sir." Dareen opened the door, but quickly, I pushed it shut locking her inside with me. "What are you doing?" She frowned pushing me away.
"This baby is mine, isn't it?" I pointed at her belly.
"That's the most hilarious thing ever. Elliot, I have a boyfriend, and I love him, and we're waiting for our baby just like any family. From where did you get the idea of being the father?" She narrowed her eyes.
"That's not you. You don't sleep with anyone like this. I was your first, and I'll be your last." I whispered.
"Well, I changed." They way she didn't break the eye contact or even look shaken by this conversation made me hate her for believing that she really got over me that fast.
She fooled me when I thought she was innocent.
The problem is that I can't bring myself to hate her, or else I would've called her names she wouldn't like.
"You did." I nodded quietly before turning around to walk out of the door.
"Are you out of your mind?" Harry screamed.
"Calm down, Harry." Christina glared as she pulled me to cry on her shoulder.
"How could you be so selfish? It's his baby for God's sake!!"
"He didn't ask about her when she needed him the most!" Christina argued.
"That's not a reason to steal his baby!" "It's my baby! I carry him!" I screamed.
"It's his sperm! I don't know how you became that cruel."
"Just leave. Your yelling won't change a single thing." Christina dismissed.
"Don't think of telling him anything, I'd never forgive you if you even thought about it." I got up raising an accusing finger at his face.
"Your stubborness and selfishness will kill you. I won't try to contact Elliot. Do whatever in hell you want, but think again how you admonished me when I told Christina that I don't want the baby saying it's her baby too. It's Elliot's baby too. You need sometime alone to think clearly about your son and forget your ego for once. Call me when you stop thinking like a teenager and start thinking as an adult- as a mother." With that he shoved my hand out of his face in anger before turning to Christina.
"Get Anna from inside, and come with me." He ordered as he picked up Anna's bag.
"Fine." She sighed walking to the bedroom with a frown on her face.
How could he leave me? Why's everyone against me?
"Her stomach was so big. When I made a reasearch on the internet I found that she's be pregnant in eight monthes or even nine which means that this is my baby!"
"Or?" Mark nodded to himself.
"Don't think about it. Dareen wasn't cheating on me!" I glared at him.
"That's not what I was thinking about, but if they're twins then her belly would be bigger than another woman pregnant in one baby which makes her pregnant in four or five months." He explained.
"How can I know?" I furrowed my brows.
"I don't know. Find a way." He sighed.

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