3# Free Fallin'

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Song: Free Fallin'- John Mayer.
"Hey girls!" I smiled walking over to my girl friends.
"Dareen! Hey." They beamed as I joined them on the table in the cafeteria.
"So his brother kicked her out?" Christina gasped with wide eyes at Rose.

"Yeah, his brother is an ass, but their flat is amazing! It's not really big, but it's luxurious. At least that's what I heard."

"Who are you talking about? It looks like I missed too much." I jumped into the conversation.

"Ethan Williams, you know him?" Christina asked.

"I heard his name before, but I never met him." I frowned leaning in to gossip. Well, I'm a girl..

"Well, he's beautiful, but a jackass. Girls drool just by looking at him. Anyway, yesterday that bitch Amelia went with him to his house to hang out, ya know..."

"Hmm.." I nodded for her to continue.

"Then, his brother came in and they had an endless fight and she got practically kicked out."

"I won't believe that. I mean, his brother won't be the one to control him." I shrugged leaning back in my seat.
"I heard that their parents abandoned them when they were so young, and his brother became his guardian. I don't know if it's just a rumor though." Rose shrugged.
"I think it's a rumor. I don't know. What you're saying doesn't sound realistic." I shrugged.
"Whatever. Tell me, how's work?" Christina beamed.
"It's horrible. The CEO likes me, but my co-worker is waiting for an opportunity to make me quit."
"Is he cute?"
"The CEO!"
"He's older than your father." I rolled my eyes making them groan.
"What about your co-worker? I mean his looks.."
"He's a sexy ass." I shook my head making them giggle. "Seriously, he's so bossy! I hate him."
"You still don't know him though." Rose shrugged.
"I don't have to know him for so long to find out that he's bossy. I mean, all he does is do that and don't do that. "Dareen, you're doing it wrong." "Dareen, your outfit doesn't match with the place." That's annoying!" I rolled my eyes.
"That's rude not just annoying." Rose commented.
"Yeah. Anyway, see you later, guys." I smiled standing up.
"Where are you going?" Christina frowned.
"The lecture is about to start. Won't you come?"
"No, I am going on a date with Harry." She smiled.
"That bitch didn't tell me." I rolled my eyes.
"I'm telling you, now." She blushed.
"And you? Where are you going?" I turned to Rose.
"I'm going to pick a dress for her to wear it on her date with Harry." She grinned.
"Fuck you." I rolled my eyes picking up my bag.
"Look who's there!" Christina whispered.
"Don't stare." Rose looked the other way not wanting to look like a freak.
"What?" I frowned looking behind me.
"Ethan, the boy we were just talking about..."
"What about him?"
"He's the one in blue shirt. There, in front of you." She whispered, and my eyes caught his.
"Oh my God, he's winking at you!" Rose gasped making me roll my eyes.
"He's a vain son of a bitch, and you're too stupid. I am going to be late. Bye." I frowned walking away not looking back at either of them.
"Hey!" That freak from earlier sat next to me on the bench.
"I want to focus, please." I faked a smile not looking at him.
"Oh girl, why so serious?" He chuckled.
"Will you please leave me alone?" I furrowed my brows turning to him.
"You're being too sharp. That's not good."
"If my way will hurt your ego then don't talk to me cause I will not give you the reaction you're seeking." I snapped.
"Miss Isaac, if you don't care about the lecture then you may leave." The professor pointed at the door.
"No sir, but I'd like to change my seat." "Move." He glared at Ethan as I moved past him and to the front bench.
"If anyone doesn't care about this lecture, he may leave." He continued glaring for a moment before getting back to what he was saying.
"You're dissmissed." The professor finally ended his lecture and we started leaving.
"Dareen," he called making me turn around.
"Yes, sir?"
"Is there any problem?"
"No, sir. Everything is okay." I smiled.
"You need to stay away from some people if you don't want to lose the scholarship. I think I made myself clear."
"You did, sir. Don't worry." I nodded.
"You may leave." He sighed, and I nodded thanking him before leaving.
"You're playing hard to get, I see." A voice called from behind me as I was putting my books back in my locker.
"Leave me alone, Ethan!" I slammed it shut turning to him.
"Stalker." He raised a brow making me groan because I know his name. Why dis I even say it? I should've just called him bitch, ass or just... freak.
"But- you know what? I love the challenge cause I always win." He whispered leaning closer to me.
"Get away from me." I passed him a disgusted look as I pushed him back before walking out of the whole room.
As I crossed the parking lot, my phone started ringing.
"Hello?" I pressed it to my ear.
"Miss Isaac, you have a meeting with Sir Elliot and Sir Adam in half an hour. I'm just reminding you."
"Thank you, Patricia. I'm on my way." I smiled.
"Okay, Ma'am." With that, she ended the call, and I sped out of the parking lot.
"I'm sorry for being late." I apologized once I stepped in the meeting room.
"It's no problem. We didn't start, yet." Sir Adam smiled as I passed him and Elliot copies of the report I've been working on.
"This is the report I was asked to write. Here, you'll find all the details needed about the offers and the prices with notes on the quality of the materials and it's rating. At the end, you'll find my personal notes on which one is best for us, but of course, the decision is yours."
"This is work of high quality. Thank you." Sir Adam smiled.
"It's my job, sir."
"I don't agree much. You need to work on charts more and use less words." Elliot turned to me.
"I'd bear that in mind. Thanks for the advice. I'm glad that Sir Adam liked it though." I smiled taking a seat next to him.
"I want you to tell me what's that in the report briefly, please." Sir Adam requested.
"Alright. First, I started with the wood that we will need. 55% of the wood we need is white oak, 35% is Marblewood and the last 10% is Turpentine." I paused, "I called several companies and asked about the offers that they will provide in case we wanted to make a deal with them. The names are in the file with the offers in front of them. The one that I think is best is Cormark as it gets all the wood from northern Africa and I think we all know that wood is really good in this area."
"You just think that cause you're african. I think wood from Canada, for example, is better."
"I'm not prejudiced if that's what you're trying to say, and by the way, I'm not African, I'm Asian." I rolled my eyes.
"I've never known that." Sir Adam smiled.
"My mother is American and my father is Lebnanese."
"That's interesting, and I think that I agree with you. Wood from Africa is really good. Plus, we will see the materials first, so if it's not of high quality, we won't make a deal with them."
"That's true, and again, that's my point of view, but the decision is yours."
"I think that this will take a long time. Let's eat lunch, first?"
"Sure." I nodded.
"What do you want to eat?" He asked.
"Anything." I shrugged.
"I'd prefer pizza if Miss Isaac don't have a problem." Elliot suggested.
"I love pizza." I smiled at him.
"Okay, I'll tell Maria." Sir Adam announced walking back to his office.
"I thought that you just eat salad to stay fit."
"I play sports. Plus, I don't care if I put on weight."
"You're not a girl, then?"
"I just don't need to be perfect to impress anyone." I shrugged looking back at my file.
"You're complicated."
"That's what complicated people always say." I laughed humorlessly.
"I see that you're having a good time." Sir Adam grinned as he stepped back into the meeting room.
"Yeah, Sir Elliot is so interesting, I see." I smiled making him roll his eyes.
"Dareen, you're coming." Rose insisted.
"I'll see what I can do." I dismissed looking back at the file between my hands.
"I hate this word."
"Rose, I'm at work. I'll text you when I finish." I sighed looking up to find Elliot's eyes fixed on me.
"Okay, we'll party then. I know that you won't let me down. You love me."
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes playfully. "I'll be waiting for you."
"Alright." I nodded.
Tomorrow is Saturday, so why not?
"Dareen, will you please get me this file on your desk?" Elliot asked.
"Here it is." I handed it to him.
"Thank you." He smiled.
"You're welcome." I nodded sitting back at my desk.
"Do you want coffee with me?" He asked.
"Okay." I agreed, and he left the room silently.
Ringing non-stop, his phone was placed on the counter making me unable to concentrate. I tried to ignore it in hopes that he'll return soon enough, but I don't know what made him take too long.
When it started ringing again, I walked over checking it. I know it's none of my business but it's distracting me!
"Linda" the name appeared on the screen. It may be his girlfriend, and if I answered it, I may cause a great problem between them, so I just silenced it.
Before reaching my desk, it started ringing once again.
With a loud sigh, I picked it up, and walked out of the room and to the cafeteria to find him talking with another man.
"Hi," I smiled.
"Why are you here?" He turned to me. "Your phone is ringing, and I can't concentrate. It must be something important cause it's ringing non-stop." I shrugged handing it to him.
"Yes Linda?" He answered.
"So, you're the famous Dareen?" The stranger smiled at me.
"Famous? I don't know." I giggled making him chuckle.
"All these people are talking about the position you've taken. They're shocked cause Sir Adam never gets impressed."
"Oh," I nodded not knowing how should I reply. "May I know who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Ansel-"
"Dareen, thank you. Will you please take it back to our office?" He asked handing me his phone.
"I'm talking with Sir Ansel, now." I said slowly.
"You'll talk again with him later."
"Your coffee, sir." The young girl handed him a small tray.
"Here, let's go. Excuse us, Ansel, but we have a lot of work to do."
"It's no problem. It was nice to meet you, Miss Dareen." He bowed his head like the gentleman he is.
"The pleasure is mine, sir. Excuse me." I smiled shaking his hand before walking out of the cafeteria with Elliot following.
"May I know why did you act like that?" I yelled once he closed the door. "Your voice is too loud." He pointed out calmly as he placed the tray on his desk. "Try to act more feminine and keep your voice low." He continued.
"I thought that you were finally acting like a gentleman." I shook my head.
"I didn't steal you from your boyfriend. Why are you so mad? I did the normal thing because we're at 'work'."
"I walk the whole way to the cafeteria to let you talk to your girlfriend, but all you do is embaress me as if I'm a baby that you boss around!" I rolled my eyes.
"Linda isn't my girlfriend, and I didn't boss you around." He sighed.
"You're so frustrating."
"Grab your coffee and continue what you were doing." He ordered looking back at the file between his hands.
WHY IS HE SO CALM?! Just- how?!
A/N) Please don't foget to vote and comment. ILY!

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