19# People Help The People

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Song: People Help The People- Birdy.
"Maria, I want to meet sir Adam."
"Are you okay?" She furrowed her brows as she stood up.
Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes to keep myself from snapping at her.
She has nothing to do with this.
"I want to meet sir Adam, now." I repeated sternly, and she nodded openning the door giving me permission to see our boss.
"Dareen, come in." He smiled once he spotted me.
"I won't take from your time, but I need you to sign this for me."
"What is it?" He extended his hand to take the paper from me.
"This is my resignation letter."
At this, his eyes flew to my face in shock, as if he was making sure the I was just joking.
"Sit down." He said quietly.
"I see that you wrote here that the reasons are private, but I'm sorry. I won't accept it unless you give me a good reason." He sighed.
"Sir, don't make it harder for me." My voice quivered, and he sighed taking off his glasses.
"Dareen, you know how much I value your qualities, and I'm not letting you go if you didn't give me a good reason. Talk to me as if I'm your father, and no one else will know a word of what you're going to tell me. Now, does it have anything to do with Elliot?"
Not able to control myself any longer, I covered my face in my hands letting them welcome the flow of tears and my whole body shake with sobs.
"I'm shocked." I sobbed.
"Take this and look at me." He sighed handing me a tissue. "I don't need any details. I want you to forget the idea of resigning-"
"Sir, please."
"You please. I can give you two weeks off to calm down and gather your ideas. I swear you'll thank me later for not signing it."
"I don't know- I-" I shook my head.
"Let's talk after two weeks, and I'm not going to pressure you more than this. Go home and sleep, and if you want to talk, you're more than welcome." He smiled as I stood up shaking his hand.
"Thank you for everything."
"You're welcome." He smiled. "Yeah, and Dareen-" He called out making me turn around to face him. "Maybe you lost something, we can do nothing about it, but don't let your anger make you lose everything."
"I understand, sir." I nodded before pushing the door open and walking out.
Just as I approached our office, Elliot opened the door for me.
Not even looking at him, I walked to my desk and started picking up my things.
"You won't leave till you listen to me." He sighed locking us in using the key before putting it in his pocket.
"Everything is quite clear, Elliot." I sighed before standing up.
"No, you'll listen." He repeated making me roll my eyes.
"Talk." I shrugged.
"Dareen, I know that I kept the truth from you, but you have to understand that he's my brother. I did everything you can imagine. I hit him, and yelled at him. I even cursed him and started ignoring him, but you were the one who made me forgive him." He whispered as a tear skipped from his eye.
"When I told you that you should solve your problems and to forgive and forget, I didn't know that you're the brother of the person who tried to rape me.
"How could you touch me when you know that your brother touched me against my will! Now I understand everything. I understand why you refused to take me to see your family, and why you were there in the first place.
"Guess what? I even know why did your treatment change hundred and eighty degrees out of the blue. You felt guilty, didn't you?" Tears flooded down my cheeks as he looked the other way in shame.
"I can forgive anyone in this world except the person whom I trusted with my life and secret, yet he lied to me."
"Dareen, I love you. Don't do this. I-I will do anything-"
"Elliot, can't you see? The curtains are closed and the scene ended. You don't need to act anymore. You know what? You're a perfect actor. I mean, I believed you. Really, chapeau." Clapping my hands, I looked at him with ultimate disgust.
"Don't even utter my name!" I yelled shutting him up. "If you're that bit of a man, open the door. Maybe then, I'll have a tinge of respect for you." I snapped as he placed the key on my desk silently.
"I just want to tell you that I really loved you. Don't punish me for a mistake that I never did. Stand in my shoes and think." He whispered quietly.
"Do the same and put yourself in my postition. Let's see if you'll be able to forgive yourself." With that, I took off my ring and placed it on his desk before turning the key in the keyhole to open the door.
Once I heard the small click, I pulled it open and walked out without looking back.
This isn't happening.
Without even thinking, I pulled out a bottle of whiskey and a small glass. Here's the first shot.
Tilting my head back, I took the first shot in one go. Shortly after that, it was followed by the second and the third... or was it the fifth?
I don't know, already...
"Elliot!" Sir Adam's voice boomed between the walls.
"Uncle, I'm really tired today, and the last thing that I need is someone complaining."
"We're at work, so I'm not your uncle." He snapped slapping the glass out of my hand making it crash to the tiled floor. "Get up,"
"Where are we going?" I rolled my eyes.
"I'm taking you home. Linda called me, and it sounds like you're fucked."
"I am." I agreed.
"How much did you drink? It sounds like you're drunk already."
"Nah, I'm fine." I shook my head.
"Okay, let's go." He sighed helping me stand up.
Placing his hand on my back, he supported me without making me look drunk in front of my colleagues till we reached the elevators.
"What did she want from you?" I turned to him.
"Who's she?" He asked making me roll my eyes.
"My girlfriend." I sighed.
"Let's talk in the car." He motioned to the open door.
"Patricia, we're leaving. Please cancel all the meetings for Dareen and the both of us." He pointed me then himself and I already feel my head spinning.
"I'm so tired." I whined.
"We're here." He pointed at the car as he helped me in before getting in the driver's seat.
"You're going to drive?" I frowned.
"I don't want anyone to hear us. About Dareen, she gave me her resignation letter to sign." He sighed as he sped down the main route.
"What?" I sat up in shock.
"I refused to sign it and gave her two weeks off to calm down. I think two weeks are enough to fix what you've done, am I right?"
"It was never my mistake." I sighed looking out of the window.
"Even if it's not, get her a bouquet of flowers and apologize. You're the man and you should understand your child."
"But I am not dating a kid."
"I know, but if you got her just a flower and apologized and told her the magical sentence, she'll give you a chance."
"It's bigger than that." I shook my head.
"Then, find a way." He sighed as he stopped the car in the driveway in front of my house.
"Thanks for the drive." I smiled fainly before getting out of the car.
I honestly don't think that there's a way...

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