1# Arrival of the Birds

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Music: Arrival of the Birds- The Cinematic Orchestra.
"Hello, I'm Dareen Isaac, and I have an appointment with Sir Adam." I smiled at the receptionist.
"Sir Adam's office is in the eighteenth floor. The one just in front of the elevators." She passed me a small smile.
"Thank you." I nodded walking towards the elevator with my file gently pressed to my chest.
"Excuse me." A gentleman in his mid-thirties stepped in.
"Which floor?" He asked.
"Okay." He pressed on the button and we both stood there in silence except for his foot hitting the shiny surface under our feet.
Once the door opened, both of us hurried out that we got stuck.
"You can go first." I faked a smiled taking a step back. It doesn't look like he's a getleman at all.
"No, you go first." He motioned for me to go first and I just huffed a thank you stepping out.
People like this get on my nerves.
"Excuse me, I have an appointment with Sir Adam." I told the secretary.
"You're Miss Dareen Isaac?" She stood up.
"Yes." I smiled faintly.
"Sir Adam is waiting for you, ma'am." She pushed a heavy door open, and I was greeted by a man of greyish hair looking out of the window.
"Miss Dareen is here, sir." The secretary called out dragging his attention.
"Nice to meet you." He extended his arm shaking my hand.
"It's all my pleasure, sir."
"Take a seat." He motioned for me to sit on the chair in front of his desk.
The smell of expensive leather filled my nostrils as my fingers caressed the arm of the comfy chair. "Maria, get us coffee, please." He ordered taking a seat behind his desk.
"Sure, sir." She nodded walking out.
"I'm so happy to meet you, Miss Dareen. I've heard about your great efforts and I believe that you will be able to make a change in this company." He started as the door opened again and Maria placed a coffee cup in front of me.
"Tell me about you." He continued taking a sip of his coffee.
"I'm Dareen Isaac. I used to be the manager of the storage units back in Seattle, but I can't stay there any longer cause my mother passed away, so I had no reason to stay there."
"She may rest in peace." He condoled.
"Thank you. Um- I don't know what else do you want to know."
"How old are you, again?" He asked looking through my file.
"Impressing." He gaped, and I just stayed silent not knowing how to reply. "I'm not kidding. Some people are twice your age and they don't even acheive half of the records written here."
"I love my work. That's all." I shrugged.
"And you're welcome here." He shrugged closing the file.
"Really?" I grinned.
"Really." He chuckled. "And since you go to college in the morning, I think that you may come here at about 5 o'clock, so that you won't miss anything."
"I don't know what to say." I shook my head.
"Don't say anything. Wait a minute." He paused calling someone.
"Elliot, come to my office." He ordered before turning the phone off again.
Seconds later, the same man from earlier stepped in.
He's not so bad. I mean- when it comes to looks, but I don't care if he has no manners.
He's not even that good. Just brown hair with a small stubble and blue eyes, tan skin and tall legs.
His legs are so tall like a mosquito! I cringed at the thought.
"Good morning, sir." He nodded towards us as a greeting.
"It's a good morning because Miss Dareen is going to join us here." He started.
"Oh, that's good." He nodded not showing any type of reaction.
"Miss Dareen was responsible for the storage units back in Seattle, and she's one of the most active workers there. You'll share the office and you'll teach her how everything works here till she gets used to it."
"Sure, sir." He sighed.
"I forgot to intoduce you. Miss Dareen, this is Elliot Evans. Hope that you'll enjoy working together." He smiled.
"Sure, sir."
"You're excused." He nodded, and I stood up following Elliot outside.
"This will be your desk." He pointed to a luxurious oak desk. "You have thirty minutes then we have to start with the rules and how everything works here." His authorative tone made him sound so boring and annoying!
"I'm ready." I shrugged.
"Okay, come here please." He motioned for the chair in front of him, and I got up walking towards it.
"First, I want to stress on the fact that I won't accept any mistake. Working with me won't be easy, so you better take care of everything here. A mistake can destroy you. In other words, everything has to be perfect, or you'll have to pay for any bungle."

"You're always bossy like that?"

"Call me whatever you want. I don't care what you think."
"Hey, I was joking." I shook my head.
"It's not a place for joking." He sighed.
"Oh really? So this is how it works?" I raised a brow.
"Yes, and another thing. This outfit is unacceptable here."
"I don't think that you have anything to do with it."
"It's not about me, ma'am! Look how ladies dress outside and dress like them. These are the rules here and I follow them just like everyone here!" He raised his voice.
"I've been working with this company for over two years and no one complained about my outfit."
"That's because you were working in the storage units, so it was okay to wear something casual, but now you're an official here. You have to be dressed formally." He replied strictly.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.
"If you'll throw a tantrum with every order I give you then you may as well quit." He pointed to the door.
"If you're thinking that you can control me because I'm a young lady then you may think again because this lady resembles hundred men like you!" I snapped.
"Your vein is going to burst through your neck. Calm down, feisty." He chuckled shaking his head. "This ain't good for your health."
"You're annoying!"
"Tsk tsk, that's rude." He shook his head with amusement.
"You know what? I have things to do rather than sit here with someone so frustrating just like you!" I rolled my eyes walking out and slamming the door shut.
We'll see who will laugh at the end, Sir Elliot.
Here's chapter one. Tell me what do you think of it in the comments, and if you like it, please vote. :)
I'd like to know what do you think of it. Thank you!
Nada xx

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