14# Safe & Sound

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Song: Safe & Sound- Taylor Swift.
Stepping in, I closed the door quietly. It looks like everyone's asleep which I find kinda relaxing.
Everything is still. Silently, I pushed Ethan's door open to find him sleeping peacefully. With a sigh, I walked closer moving the phone away from his head after covering him with the duvet.
Looking back at him, I made sure that he's fine before stepping out of his room and to my room. There, Alice was sleeping, and I made my best not to make any noise to avoid waking her up.
Taking off my jeans, I put on a pair of sweat-pants. I have no energy to even hang my trousers. I know that I get angry when things are out of place, but this is an exception just like the fact that Alice is sleeping in my bed.
Normally, no one steps into my room without my permission, but it's an exception.
"Ellie? You took so long." Alice frowned sitting up.
"I'm sorry, but I had work to do." I whispered kissing the top of her head.
"You were mad at me."
"Naah, I never get mad at you." I smiled joining her in bed. "We should sleep, now."
"But, I'm hungry." She frowned.
"Yeah," She nodded.
"Okay, c'mon." I sighed helping her out of the bed.
"What are we going to do?" She asked quietly as we stepped out of my room.
"I'll make you something." I shrugged helping her sit on a high stool.
Openning the fridge, I found a banana dancing in front of me.
"You like bananas, don't you?"
"Yes." She nodded, and I smiled.
Cutting it in small pieces, I handed her the plate along with some milk and honey.
"Drink your milk first." I instructed.
"I drink it in the morning."
"Drink it now and don't drink it in the morning." I insisted handing her a plastic cup.
"What are you doing?" I heard Linda's voice.
"Alice was hungry." I told her.
"Aren't you hungry as well?" She asked.
"No," I shook my head.
"I can make you something quickly." She repeated.
"No, I'm not hungry. Why are you awake at that time?"
"I was thirsty, and I heard your voices, so I came to check on you." She shrugged pouring herself some water.
"I don't want milk anymore." Alice frowned pushing the cup away.
"Eat your banana, then." I sighed.
"When did you come home?"
"Just about half an hour ago."
"You look so tired." She frowned.
"It has been a long day." I closed my eyes as Alice finished her fruit.
"Go to bed, and I'll take her to wash her teeth." Linda suggested.
"It's okay." I shook my head putting the cup and the plate in the sink before taking Alice to the bathroom to wash her teeth.
"Dareen!" Someone called from behind me. Turning around, I saw... Alex? No, Ansel was his name.
"Ansel?" I asked quietly smiling at him.
"Yeah, it's me." He smiled extending his arm to shake my hand. "We never got the chance to chat even though you've been working here for over a month, now." He chuckled.
"I'm sorry for that, but you know that work is not easy. I also don't work all day, so I have to finish everything in four or five hours at the max." I sighed.
"Yeah, and working with Elliot is not easy. You should have a hiding place to hide when he gets mad." He chuckled.
"He's not that bad, but I will think about it." I smiled.
"Why don't we have some coffee in my office?" He suggested.
"Dareen!" I heard Elliot calling out.
"I'm coming." I nodded at him to give me a second before turning to Ansel.
"I really have a lot of work today. Will you please excuse me?"
"Sure. I just wanted to take you for a tour around." He shrugged.
"Maybe later." I repeated, and he nodded. "Excuse me." I said again before walking towards Elliot.
"Don't forget to find what I told you about quickly." He said, and I laughed lightly nodding at him.
"I want to talk with you." Elliot said quietly as I walked by his side.
"Okay." I nodded as we stepped into our office. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"Dareen, I-" He started, "Ansel is not good. I want you to take care when you're around him. His reputation with girls says it all."
"We were just-"
"You don't need to justify your actions. I'm talking because I care about you. I know that you don't take orders, but you take advices." He smiled walking closer and holding my hands in his.
"You know me too well." I giggled pulling away to sit behind my desk.
"How's Picky?" He asked out of the blue.
"She's good. I left her with Harry, but I have to remind him to give her her medecine." I sighed.
"It's nice to have a pet at home especially if it is a dog."
"Yeah, you'd laugh if I told you that she's a family." I smiled.
"I won't cause I know how it feels. I never had a pet, but I love them."
"One point for you!"
"Oh thank you!" He chuckled.
"I can't believe that the week is over. It passed quickly." I smiled.
"Yeah, how was your exam, today?"
"It was good. We finished quickly, but I had to stay over with my professor."
"And why is that?" He asked curiously.
"He wanted to check that nothing is wrong. I'm an excellent student, and he found out that I didn't come yesterday. Like a father, he admonished me then let me go." I shrugged.
"Next time, there's nothing like 'I don't wanna go'." He said sternly making me giggle.
"Okay, sir." I smiled switching on my laptop.
"Dareen.." He said after moments of silence.
"Hmm?" I hummed not taking my eyes off the screen.
"Do you see that boy from the other day?"
"I ignore him, and he does the same." I shrugged.
"May I ask you a question?"
"Sure." I sighed looking at him.
"Why didn't you tell the police or anything?" He dared to ask.
"Simply because I'm alone, and he's rich, so- as usual- I'll be the one to blame cause my father is not a minister or business man."
"You're not alone-"
"I am, Elliot. This world is sick and cruel more than you think. We always tend to blame the victim. I bet that for a second you asked yourself, why would she go to a place like that or why would she be dressed in that short dress. It crossed your mind, haven't it?"
"Well, for a second, it did, but then I told myself that it's not your mistake-"
"It shouldn't even cross your mind. That's exactly what I'm talking about. You shouldn't blame the sheep for passing in front of a snake, and you shouldn't blame me for showing to much skin. It's not about my outfit, it's about his mentality."
"I agree with you." He nodded with a sigh.
"Good, and from now on, I don't want to talk about that day again. I will never forgive, but I'm trying to forget."
"Okay, sorry for bothering you." He said quietly.
"It's fine." I ressured turning to what I was doing once again.
A knock on the door grabbed my attention, then Sandra stepped in.
"Hey, Dareen."
"Hi, come and join us." I offered motioning for her to sit on the chair across from me.
"Nah, I don't want someone to kill me." She giggled looking at Elliot who just smiled. "I wanted to give you this. It may help you."
"You're leaving, already?" Elliot asked her.
"Yeah, I will miss you."
"Stay a bit more!" I suggested.
"My boyfriend can't live without me. I need to go before he burns Paris down while he cooks breakfast." She giggled.
"I hope to see you soon." I smiled pulling her in a friendly hug.
"I hope so, sweety, and you can come and visit, ya know." She winked.
"Yeah, sure." I nodded.
"I'll tell Linda that you'll eat dinner with us tonight." Elliot told her already picking up his phone.
"Mum would kill me if I didn't eat with them tonight. Come over, though. She'll be happy to see you."
"Okay, that would be perfect." He nodded.
"I'll go. Bye bye!" She waved her hand already walking out and closing the door behind her.

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