Chapter 28: Weird

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Kendall's POV

"In one condition" I said to her.

"What is it?" She asked.

I smirk to myself knowing that she doesn't like chocolate ice cream. She is all healthy and stuff. She even order salad in every Italian restaurant we go. She is so weird. She likes the green fettucini thing.

"You need to eat chocolate ice cream." I reply while smirking.

"Nooooooo" She whine. "Other than that? Do you have any other choice?" She adds.

"Nope. Only that one condition or not I'm not coming." I said.

"Alright then." She said. "For the sake of the plan." She mumble.

She thought I can't hear what she say but I heard it. What plan is it? Is this some kind of set up or something? Cause if it is, i'm not going. But I need to think positive. I need to think positive. I need to think positive.

We walk to the ice cream shop. It's only 2 or 3 blocks away from here so it is not a long tiring walk.

"When are we leaving for the concert?" I ask.

"In a week." She said.

That's enough for packing and stuff.


"Two chocolate ice creams please." I said kindly.

"Do you want to add any toppings? We got oreo, sprinkles, chocolate sauce, strawberry sauce." She ask.

"I'll take sprinkles." Sophia answer.

"I'll take oreo please." I add.

"Alright." she kindly said. "It's $6." She add.

I pull out my wallet and give her the cash. We wait for about 5 minutes and our ice cream are served.

"So what do you think?" I question Soph.

"It's quite good actually. But after this I'm gonna eat salad." She replied.


"Are you staying over?" I ask Soph.

"Yeah sure." She said.

We walk back to my house and we get inside. It's now 5 p.m.

"I'll take a shower first." I said.


I go upstairs and go inside my room. I wanna call Harry to say that I'll be at the concert next week but I kinda want it to be a surprise. My phone vibrate and it's a text from Harry.

Hey. I miss you. I hope you can come to one of my concert. ):

Awww... He misses me. What should I answer?

Hi. I can't come to your concert. Sorry. I'm so busy. I have a lot of photoshoot to do.

I feel bad for not saying the 'I miss you' part. I guess I'm too afraid to admit. I walk to my bathroom and strip out of my clothes. I'm planning to run a bath but Soph is here. She'll be waiting for a long time so I decided to just take a quick cold shower.

I step out of the shower and put on comfy clothes. I walk downstairs to see Soph talk to Liam... again. I know Liam is her boyfriend but she act so weird when she's talking in front of me.

"Alright. Love you baby. Bye." Soph said.

Awww that's so cute. I hope I'm not that afraid to say that to Harry. Wait what? To Harry?

'Do I love him?' That one phrase kept on repeating on my head.

Yes you do. My self consciousness answer for me.

No I don't!

Yes you do!

No. I mean I like him but I don't know if I love him or not.

You do. Admit it. Don't lie to yourself

Ugh. I wish I can punch my self consciousness now.

"Uhhh... Ken, I can't stay over. I need to see Liam. Uhh... Sorry. Maybe next time. Bye" She said.


"Okay?" I reply.

We exchange our 'bye's' and she walk out. Well that was weird. She act so weird. I don't know what has got into her.

Harry's POV

"Love you too babe. Bye" Liam said through the phone.

I think he is talking to Sophia. I wish I can say that to Kendall. I really do love Kendall but I don't know why I don't want to admit it. Maybe I'm too scared?

"Uhh Haz, I need to go. Soph wanted to see me. Uhhh... maybe we can play it another time?" He said.

Huh? What?

"Yeah. Sure." I reply.

He go out the door and I decided to text Kendall.

*Liam acts so weird. I don't know why.*

After a few minutes, she answer.

*Yeah. Soph's been acting weird too. She said that she wants to stay over at my house but she said that she needs to meet Liam.*

*Yeah. Liam said it too. He said he wants to meet Soph. So, what are you doing?*

*Just watching netflix and pizza with my sis.*

*Ohh... I love you. x*

Wow. Did I just said I love you? What did I do? Oh god. She didn't reply.

Kendall's POV

I love you

Those three words kept on repeating in my mind.

Did he really mean that?

Is he saying that only to make me happy?

Why did he said that all of a sudden?

Is he joking?

Is it a dare from one of his friends?

Those questions kept on repeating on my head. I don't know what to answer him so I just ignore it maybe until the concert.

*3 days later*

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. Oh shit. I have a photoshoot today. I jolt up from bed and get ready

I just put on a plain white crop top and I pair it with a floral skater skirt. I grab my purse and phone and head downstairs.

I grab an apple for my breakfast and put on my black keds. I head out the door and start my car.


"Bye guys!" I said to my 'team'.

"Bye! We have another one tomorrow!" My manager said.

I stop by to In and Out Burgers to buy lunch then I go back home.


I start packing for the concert. We're leaving in like 4 days and I need to start and pack.

Sophia and I will be staying there for about 1 week so we need to pack quite a few clothes.

I pack 2 v-neck t-shirts, 2 muscle tanks, 2 crop tops, a jumper, 2 sweatpants, 4 shorts, 3 long jeans, a pair of my converse, a pair of my black keds and a flipflop.

I'll do the rest of my packing tomorrow. I decided to run a bath. I put a bath bomb from lush in it and it smells so good.

Another Update! Hope you guys enjoy ~

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