Chapter 1: Bullies and Torture

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"Fatty, fatty, bo-batty, banana-fanna-fo-fatty, me-mi-mo-matty...fatty!" Hailey the head cheerleader sang, her stupid cheerleader friends joining in towards the end as they chorused in giggles.

"Kaila Kong. You're so fat, you had your baby pictures taken by satellite." A male voice shouted.

"HAHA...Good one Aiden. Hey Kaila, stop walking so fast, the way your thighs are rubbing together they might start a fire!" Another male voice hollered followed by a round of laughter.

These were the annoying daily rants I was taunted with while making my way into Long Island High School. The group of popular kids gathered on the lawn just hanging out until the bell rang. Bunch of losers had nothing better to do with their time, but make fun of people to boost their egos.

I glanced over at the crowd and managed to spot my crush since freshman year. Running back of the football team, Chad Eastwick. He was standing amongst the crowd, looking perfect as always. He was one of the few that never chimed in to tease me nor did he ever go against them to stick up for me. He was just simply neutral.

A greek god if there ever was one. He had shaggy brown hair, beautiful grayish blue eyes, and a killer smile. The only reason I knew he had a killer smile was because I swooned over him every chance that I got. Not that it did any good, he didn't even know I existed. A girl could always dream...right?

Considering the fact that this has been going on for 11 out of the 16 years of my dreaded life, I managed to develop some sort of immunity from the harsh words. Since it was the last day of my junior year, you'd figure that the teasing would've at least died down by now...Yea right! No such luck.

I never retaliated or said anything back, my best bet was to keep my head down and pretend like I didn't hear any of it. My assailants consisted of a majority of the cheerleaders and most of the members of the football team, so it wouldn't do any good to fight back. They would ensure that the rest of my days here would be a living hell.

Not that it wasn't already a living hell, but right now all they seemed to do was tease me. They never went as far as putting their hands on me and I sure as hell didn't want to give them reason to. They were just words.

Whoever said, 'sticks and stones will break my bones, but words can never hurt me'...must of never been bullied...cuz words hurt! I still had one more year left before I was off to college. Never having to see any of these jerks again.

"Kaila!" Someone yelled. I didn't turn around to see who it was...afraid of another verbal attack, instead I kept on walking. "Hey Mikaila, wait up!" I heard my best friend Zac call from behind as I reached the entrance of the school. Zac caught up to me a little out of breath from running.

Zachariah Sullivan...Zac for short was my best only friend since forever...the only one I could turn to, the only person who stuck up for me and knew my deepest darkest secrets. He was always there for me, ready to beat anyone up who made me upset.

I always looked at Zac as the slightly older protective brother I never had. We would normally hang out at one another's houses watching movies together, go swimming in each other's pools, bowling, get the picture. We were inseparable.

"Why didn't you wait for me this morning? I came by your house and you were already gone." He whined.

Our parents are best friends, owners, and partners of the largest law firm in NYC. Our parents being the hottest lawyers in NY are in high demand. The minute Zac and I turned 16, our parents decided they'd stay in their condo's in the city instead of driving back and forth to our mansion on Long Island Beach. They rarely returned home on weekends or whenever they had off...which meant we basically never spent any time with our parents.

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