Ch. 28 ~Dumb It Down

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Lizzy's POV

We're back at home, where everything started. We unloaded the horses and burro, and put them in their stalls. After I had settled my little burro in his new stall, I raced to Crackers' stall.

"Hey girly! Guess who's back?" I said as I opened Crackers' stall door and began to halter her. Crackers perked up, and whuffled her lips as she searched for a treat from me. "After our ride," I said, and quickly led her to some cross ties. I saw that Gigi had Jazz in cross ties, and Brit had Tiger Lily almost all the way tacked up. Today was a busy day at the stables.

Once I had Crackers all groomed and ready to ride, I snapped my helmet on, and we were off to the outdoor arena. The indoor arena was crowded with Aunt Steph teaching a group lesson with Jackie, Peaches, and Rookie, and Uncle Pat working with one of the ranch's prized quarter horses. I watched just for a second as Uncle Pat trotted around a few cones on King, the shiny bay he rode on. Then I continued to lead Crackers out of the barn, and into the crisp, Oregon, air.

When I got myself comfortable in Crackers' tan saddle, I realized that I couldn't be happier in this moment. Everything's falling into place. I had the best horse in the world-Crackers. She's the one I always missed during school. She's the one I always went to during tough times. She's the one I always go to when I was the happiest. She's always been here for me, and I couldn't be more grateful for it.

I had a burro. Not many people get to say they have the best horse ever, AND an awesome burro! I've only had him a few days, but already he's grown on me. He's such a character! And I already love him to pieces.

I grinned after thinking about my 2 favorite animals.

I urged Crackers into a walk, and then a jog. I rode with Crackers as we jogged around the ring.

I heard the gate creak open as I saw Stella enter with Eclipse. We just looked at each other, and she glared at me. What is her deal?!

We ignored each other as we rode around, doing our own things. Lucky for me, it wasn't just us in the ring. Gigi and Brit are also out here. Then the gate creaks again.

I look, and this time I smile when I see who it is. It's Roo and Alexis!

They give me smiles, and I smile back, glad to have my friends with me. I made a head gesture towards Stella, and they rolled their eyes. I could tell Stella knew we were rolling our eyes at her, but she just ignores us. Good for her.

We rode for a while, and when Crackers had worked up a good sweat, I cooled her down, then put her in her stall, and opened her back door. She pranced outside, and nibbled at little patches of grass. Then I left her stall, and skipped down to my burro's stall.

Goodness, I need to think of a name for him.

I continued to watch him as he inspected every single thing in his stall. He took a sip out of his water bucket, then stuck his head over the stall door. I get an idea, then grab his halter, and take my time haltering him. He's very good about being haltered and led, so it's no problem for me to lead him into the indoor arena.

The group lesson's done, and Uncle Pat already put King away, so I've got the place to myself.

"Okay. I have to decide on a name for you, so I need to get to know you better," I said, and began to lead him around the ring in different shapes and patterns. He is so silly! He makes the weirdest faces and noises, it cracks me up. He's like a cocky Disney character!

After another while, I put him back in his stall, thinking of good names for him. It was tough! I'm so bad at choosing names for things.

That night at dinner, we were talking about the new horses (and burro).

"Have any of you decided on names yet?" Uncle Pat asked.

We all shook our heads no. Phew! At least I'm not the only one!

"You should decide soon. I'm putting in orders for nameplates soon," Uncle Pat said.

Rats. This will be hard.

We ate the rest of our dinners, and then did our evening chores. It was just a regular evening at the house, and I slept well that night.


The next day started out normal. Wake up, morning chores, breakfast, ride. But when I was heading in for lunch, Aunt Steph and Uncle Pat called me into their office in the house. As I walk in with them, I'm trying to think of what I've done wrong. Maybe it's something about Rumor? I don't know.

When I sat down with them, I noticed the other man in the room. All three adults were looking at some document or something on the table, and then I realized what it was.

My parents' will.


"Okay, can you dumb it down for me?" I asked. If I understand this correctly, I couldn't believe it.

"Basically, your parents left you part of their savings money, and now you are getting it now," Aunt Steph said.


A/N: hey guys sorry that this is a weird chapter😁 I'm sad to say that there are only a few more chapters left😢 I really enjoy writing this book!

Ok. This is the LAST chapter that you can comment names for the burro!! I will use the other names that I like for the other horses that they adopted. So please comment!!!!!!

Ok bye:)

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