Ch. 26 ~Back Again

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Lizzy's POV

The next day, we were back at the BLM, and Sandy and I were with Rumor, who has now been moved to a stall at the BLM. I had no idea that there was a barn, but I guess they had some stalls behind the main building.

Sandy was on the phone right now, talking with a lady from the Oregon government. She was trying to convince her to let Rumor free to improve the bloodlines of the animals.

I heard bits and pieces of the conversation, but I was giving Rumor my full attention. He trusted me enough to let me pet him, so I was stroking his neck in a slow, soft, and calming type way. He was almost falling asleep right in the spot, his ears laid to the sides lazily, lower lip drooping, eye lids low, and back hoof cocked. He has started resting a little bit of wait on his injured leg, which is major improvement.

"Ma'am, how long have mustangs been gone in Oregon? Because I can assure you that there is a herd running free there, and if you allow this stallion to rejoin his herd, he could help improve the population of the Mustangs in the area, and improve their bloodlines. This can help Oregon in many ways," Sandy said, and shot off with a zillion reasons letting Rumor free would help Eastern Oregon.

"Rumor, we're doing the best we can for you," I whispered to him. "I made a promise to keep you free, and I'm working to make it happen. It'll work out somehow-it has to," I said, more to myself than Rumor.


I stayed there with Sandy for the whole day. Sandy and I had explained everything to my family, and they get why this is important to me. Honestly, I think the only reason that they didn't say no is because they feel bad for me still. I haven't been living with them for that long, and right now, I think they're just trying to make me happy. Still. I would've thought Crackers and the riding lessons were enough, but I guess not. But that's fine by me!

Finally, at 7:43 that evening, Sandy got off of the phone, and we had an answer. No more hoping and praying. The answer was the answer, and I'll just have to deal with it, whatever it is.

"Lizzy, they came to a conclusion. And this is their answer," Sandy said, dragging it out. I listened carefully as she said the answer, that could change Rumor's life forever.

A/N: Haha! A cliff hanger:) sorry it's so short I'm tired and I wanted to get this story moving along. Sorry things are happening kinda fast :/ bye! Remember to suggest possible names for Lizzy's burro! It's a he and he is dark brown; if that helps at all.

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