Ch. 16 ~Abra Cadabra

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When me, Crackers, and Luna reached home, we were greeted my an angry Aunt Steph and Uncle Pat. "I'm sorry that I ran out on you guys with Luna, but I had to get Crackers back," I said.

"We understand, but you still have to be punished," Uncle Pat said.

"Ok, I understand," I said quietly. Luckily, they still hadn't asked where I had found Crackers. I would tell them where I found her, but leave out the minor detail that she was with the band of mustangs that nobody believes is real but I know is.

"What is it?" I asked nervously.

"No riding for 5 days," Aunt Steph said. "I'm sorry, but it's for your own good."

Honestly, I don't understand why people ground you and say 'it's for your own good'. How is not riding for 5 days 'good for me'?

I nodded, then began to lead the tired horses in the barn, hoping to doge the looming question that I knew was coming.

"Wait, where did you find Crackers?" Aunt Steph asked.

"Oh, I found her near this spot in the woods that had a lake and a grassy field. There was also an apple tree, so I can see why she would like it there," I said, then began to lead the horses again.

"Wait! We're there any other horses with her?" Uncle Pat asked.

"No," I lied. "Why?"

"Well, we discovered that the way the fence was broken shows that a horse from outside of the fence broke it," Uncle Pat explained.

I could feel all of the color drain from my face, and my knees started to shake. I'm a HORRIBLE liar!

"There weren't any horses with her," I rushed to say, then led the horses km the barn without being asked anymore questions again.

I hosed both of the sweaty horses down, then put them in their stalls. I had to put Crackers in a different stall until we fix Crackers' stall paddock. Now, she was next to, ugh, Eclipse. It's not that I had a problem with Eclipse, he's so sweet, but I did have a problem with his owner. Stella. Ugh. Shudder.

Since it was dinner time, I headed inside and washed my hands and my face. My face was very dirty, which would be rude to go to the table with dirt on my face.

We said a blessing, then while everybody dug in, I swirled my fork around in my pasta salad. I sorta just picked at it. I was bummed that I can't ride until Sunday. But somehow, I managed to finish the salad, and I helped wash the dishes, then fed Crackers, Jackie, and Peaches. Then, I headed upstairs and took a cool shower. The coldish water felt refreshing, and that's just what I needed right now.


I climbed into bed with my Phantom Stallion book, and I thought about how the Phantom and Rumor were very similar. Soon, my eyes started to droop, and I flicked my reading light off, and set the book on my nightstand. Only 5 more days to go without riding..........


I woke up in a cold sweat. I had a horrible dream! In it, Rumor had been captured, and he broke his leg trying to jump the fence! It was really bad, and I don't feel like going back to sleep just yet.

I quietly got out of bed, and looked out the window. There was the ranch, looking so peaceful under the star filled sky. I stared at it for a good, ten minutes, then my eyes started to droop again, so I crawled in bed again, and fell asleep.


I pulled on flared jeans, tennis shoes, and an Abercrombie zip up sweatshirt, and then brushed my hair and teeth. I'm feeling dull today, so I just put on a casual outfit.

I trudged out to the bus, and sat down next to Gigi. We were both über tired, so we didn't talk much. The bus came to a stop, and I practically sleep walked to my locker.

I pretty much snored through classes, and not soon enough, the end of school bell rang, and I ran to the bus. I clambered on, and prayed that the bus would just get home!

Finally, Gigi and I were off of the bus. I had finished my homework during Study Hall, so I quickly changed into jeans and my Patagonia fleece pullover. I ran to the barn, and grabbed Crackers from her paddock, and took her inside.

I got her grooming kit out, and I began to rub the purple rubber curry comb in gentle circles over her neck, withers, shoulders, barrel, and hindquarters. Next, I grabbed the dandy brush and brushed the hair and dirt from her. Then, I ran a soft body brush all over her, and picked her hooves. For the finishing touch, I detangled her mane and tail, and stepped back to examine Crackers. She practically sparkled! She looked so pretty, and I gave her neck a big hug. "I'm so sorry that I got in trouble and we can't go on rides for a few days," I said as I rested my head on her furry neck. She leaned into me, and I took that as 'apology accepted'.

I was still standing and resting my head on Crackers when I heard that evil voice.

"Move your nag over so I can lead Eclipse to the arena," Stella said in an annoying girly voice.

"Do not call Crackers a nag," I growled angrily. She can say all she wants about me, but my horse is off limits.

"Just move!" Stella screeched, and she stuck her hip out.

"Say the magic word," I teased, and her face got beet red.

"Please," she said through clenched teeth.

"Actually, it was abra cadabra, but I'll take the please too!" I chirped, and moved Crackers so Stella and Eclipse could pass by.

"So immature," Stella muttered.

I just rolled my eyes, and continued to give Crackers a little love. I stroked her mohawk mane, and she arched her neck. "You're so good to me girl," I said, and gave her another hug.

I love my horse.


A/N: hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter, sorry it's so boring. I'm hoping that I can update two more times today, since I'm going to be in an airplane ALL DAY:p. At least when I land, I will be in Oregon!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!

Random question: what r u scared of? I'm petrified of E T, and aliens. I also am scared of guns sort of, cause I'm afraid it's gonna like explode or something and I'll die. I'm also only a little bit scared of airplanes.

Please vote and comment!! And check out my new book Blind Faith. Thanks guys! Bye!! Oh! And since I'm going to be in Oregon, updates will be VERY slow for about 2 weeks, but then I'll have another day of flying, so I'll catch up on them then! Bye guys

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