Sad One Direction Imagines

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I started this when I was 13, so like 2 years ago! these are terribly written and the plots are off!! I'm fixing these up majorly though! THANMS FOR UNDERSTANDING:)

Your POV

It was the final straw. The hate i've gotten.

She's ugly

She's like a whale


She's using him

Go die in a hole

He doesn't deserve Louis!

You were sitting on your bed, going through all your social media accounts, scrolling through your mentions.

"Why do people hate me?" Your voice wavered as your pulled on your hair as tears kept falling.

You've dealt with the hate before but it never got as bad as it is now.

"They're right, I don't deserve Louis.." You whispered to yourself as you stood up and looked out the window.

"I need to leave."

You gripped the window sill.

"He needs someone better."

You turned around and walked into the closest and picked up the biggest suitcase you could find.

You started putting your clothes in and other items on top, not caring where they went or what shape they were in.

You looked at the framed picture of you and Louis at Niall's Christmas party.

Reaching over, you picked it up off of your bedside table.

Louis was wearing a Santa hat and you wore reindeer antlers, both of you had the biggest smile on your faces.

As you took a deep breath you put it quickly in your suitcase before closing it up quickly.

You lugged the suitcase off the bed and rolled it towards the door.

After you put your shoes and jacket on, you took one last look at the apartment before you dropped your keys on the welcome mat and closed the door behind you.

You started walking down the hall, your mind crowded with your thoughts.

"This is for good, he deserves someone better." you whispered to yourself as you wiped away another tear.

"Y/n?" You heard your name being called as you were about to enter the elevator.

You slowly turned around and faced Louis.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" Louis asked looking down at your suitcase and looking back up to your face. He was hurt and his face didn't fail to show it.

You didn't respond, you just looked down.

"Y/n, are you leaving?" He asked, the pain in his voice so noticeable.

Your cheeks turned red as you managed the slightest nod as you mumbled "I'm sorry."

You quickly got in the elevator as it opened and looked back up at Louis. "You deserve someone better Louis, someone more beautiful, more kind and generous. Someone who isn't me." You said as the doors began to close.

"Y/n! No! Wait!" Louis yelled as he rushed towards the door but he was too late.

The elevator sped down to the lobby and you quickly walked out of the building, knowing Louis was running down the stairs and would be down any minute.

As you got to the cab, the driver came out and put your bag in the trunk. "Where to ma'am?" he asked as he closed the lid.

"The airport." you managed to croak out as you hopped in the car.

"Y/n!" you heard your name being called by Louis.

"Y/n don't!" Louis yelled as he started running towards the cab.

You slammed the door and started yelling at the cab driver.

"Go! Please! Hurry!"

The driver then pressed on the gas and drove past Louis, causing his run to stop.

As you looked back you saw him watching your cab drive farther away.

You sunk back into your seat, feeling weak. "I'm sorry Louis." You mumbled quietly and you tried to contain your tears.

Sad One Direction ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now