Chapter 16

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Crona's POV:

I soon realized why (Y/N) relaxed then tensed up.

Her lips parted as she gasped, "C-Crona..." Her eyes blinked, and now they were back to her normal beautiful (E/C) eyes.

My hand was literally through her side, and normal blood was seeping out fast.

Finally found a way to possess you without knowing!

Before I could respond to Ragnarok, (Y/N) collapsed in my arms.

I slowly sat on the ground and pulled her onto my lap as tears ran down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry...", I choked out.

She smiled a normal smile. Her gentle, sweet smile.

"I know you didn't mean it...", she whispered.

I cried even harder, pulling her closer to me and running my hand through her hair.

"I'm scared of death.", she quietly laughed, "But now it's time for me to"

"No no no...", I told her, "You aren't dying!"

She didn't say anything. She slowly held up a shaking hand to my cheek.

"It's okay. It's not your fault."

"Yes it is I'm a nightmare."

"No you aren't a nightmare, if you were you'd be my gorgeous nightmare."

"I love you my beautiful (Y/N)"

"I love you m-m-more my handsome Crona..."

And with that she slowly took a breath. Then stared off blankly into space.

I let out a loud sob and hugged her lifeless body.

"No no no're the only one who cared."

My Gorgeous Nightmare- Male! Crona x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now