Chapter 3

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You sighed as you slowly opened your eyes.

You shifted your body and felt a pair of arms wrapped around your waist, that pulled you close.

Then you remembered last night on how Crona let you come and sleep with him since it was too dangerous to be out that late.

His eyes slowly opened to expose his black eyes and he turned his head to yours.

He smiled and you asked him, "Did you sleep okay?"

He nodded, yet worry was apparent in his face.

'Is he okay?', you thought to yourself.

Crona's POV:

Kill her.

Ragnarok I can't-

Just stab her in the neck.

Stop it your scaring me!

As I was having this battle with Ragnarok in my mind, I found I was staring at (Y/N)'s beauty as she stared back at me.

The way her (H/L) (H/C) hair cascades over her shoulders.

The way she smiles when we lock eyes.

The way she laughs when I say a dorky joke.

(Y/N) is the definition of perfection.

And Ragnarok, I will never kill her. I am in love.

Kill her before she kills you.

Ragnarok that isn't possible with the black blood.

There is a way Crona. There is a way to solve anything. Just get it over with.


Fine. I guess I will have to take over sometime soon. You have been warned, Crona.

I shivered and managed a smile and stuttered, "I-I'm okay I p-p-promise.."

My Gorgeous Nightmare- Male! Crona x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant