Chapter 14

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One week later

You yawned as you walked with Maka into DWMA.

"Stayed up late huh?", she giggled.

"Yeah..", you sighed.

You haven't saw or talked to Crona since that night.

You didn't know where he went or what happened to him.

That's why you were up late, you were worried about him.

When you woke up you weren't hugging Crona, he was gone. And you were all alone in the room.

You wanted to ask Maka about it but you were afraid for some reason.

All of a sudden you felt light headed.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?", you heard Maka ask.

"I'm...", you mumbled.

Soul appeared on your left side, Maka was on your right.

"Everything okay?", Soul asked Maka.

Maka said something inaudible to you, but then you realized it wasn't inaudible. You couldn't hear.

You put a hand on your mouth and fell to your knees.

Thick liquid started pouring out of your mouth. You slowly removed your hand to see that it was black.

Maka was screaming to Soul and Soul knelt down next to you.

Your ears started to ring as you threw up more of the thick black liquid.

Then your eyes rolled back into your head.

Crona's POV:

I have been staying in my dorm this whole time. I can't face (Y/N) after Ragnarok told me what he did to her.

She is getting what she deserves.

Ragnarok, (Y/N) is a good person and I love her can't you just respect that?

Oh relax bud, the poison only lasts for a couple hours.

You shouldn't of poisoned her in the first place.

She deserves to suffer and scream in pain.

Won't you just shut up and deal with the fact that I love (Y/N)?

He stopped talking, so I took that as either a yes or that he got annoyed.

I have to find (Y/N).

I bolted out of my dorm and down the hallway. I went outside the DWMA and down the steps to see (Y/N) on the ground screaming in pain with a big puddle black liquid in front of her, Maka screaming to Soul that they needed to get help, and Soul kneeling next to (Y/N).

Maka and Soul looked over at me, and Maka stomped up to me.

"YOU DID THIS!", she screamed in my face, "YOU HURT MY LITTLE SISTER!"

She put both hands on my chest and pushed me with all her strength, making me fall over.

Soon (Y/N) stopped screaming.

Maka turned her head to look at her, and I looked at her as I started to pull myself up.

She bursted out laughing, and Soul got up and took a step away.

She slowly opened her eyes, and they were black voids.

"You don't think...", Maka muttered.

"Ragnarok poisoned her.", I told Maka, "it will only last a few hours.. At least that's what he told me."

Maka screamed, "POISONED?"

(Y/N) slowly staggered up as she was dying from laughing so hard.

My eyes widened as I realized..

Ragnarok poisoned her with my black blood.

My Gorgeous Nightmare- Male! Crona x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant