Chapter 5

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After the boring classes

You walked out of your last class, sighing in relief.

You saw that Maka, Soul, Crona, Tsubaki, and Black Star were looking at the missions on the board in the hallway.

Crona saw you and his face instantly brightened, making you blush.

He ran to you and engulfed you in his arms.

You giggled and hugged him back.

"I told you they are a thing!", you heard Black Star exclaim proudly.

You two instantly separated due to embarrassment, making everyone laugh.

"So Crona..", Maka started to say.

Your eyes widened as you looked up to see Maka staring at Crona.

"Y-yes?", he asked,

A wide smile grew on Maka's face as she laughed, "I approve of your guys don't worry!"

Crona sighed in relief and you couldn't help but smile.

"Now we have to see what dad says.", you quietly muttered.

"HEY GUYS!", you heard someone loudly exclaim from across the hallway.

"Speak of the devil..", Maka murmured.

"Well you guys are screwed...", Soul whispered making you giggle.

"Maka chop!", Maka exclaimed as she randomly pulled out a book and chopped Soul on his head.

"OW!", Soul screamed.

You felt an arm wrap around you, making you tense up.

"How's it going Maka and (Y/N)?", your dad happily asked.

You pried your dad's hands off of you and Crona instantly stood in front of you protectively.

You didn't know if this was on purpose or by accident. Either or, you thought that Crona was being very brave today.

"What's the matter (Y/N) and...", your dad started to say.

"Crona.", Crona spoke up.

"They are a thing now!", Black Star shouted.

"Black Star that wasn't nice!", Tsubaki yelled at Black Star.

Your father literally stared down at you both, you never saw him like this.

"Just...", he sighed, "If you hurt my daughter, you will die."

Crona turned ghostly pale, and your dad flashed smile and walked away screaming, "I LOVE YOU MY DAUGHTERS!"

"UGH!", you angrily exclaimed, stomping angrily back to your room.

Crona's POV:

I watched (Y/N) walk away in anger, making me sigh.

Cmon Crona, you could of-

I would never! I am respectful of (Y/N)! You know I have liked her for a while now.

Let's see how that happens, let me take over for a while.

Ragnarok. No.

Too bad.

I gasped and yelled in pain. It felt like my whole body turned on fire.

"What's happening?", Tsubaki asked in fear.

I saw (Y/N) running back and screaming my name.

"I'm so sorry for what's going to happen, my beautiful (Y/N)!", I screamed.

Then I fell to my knees and blacked out.

Why did I have to give in?

My Gorgeous Nightmare- Male! Crona x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now