Chapter 6

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You screamed and ran to your unconscious boyfriend.

The word boyfriend felt weird for you to think or say, because Crona was your very first boyfriend.

You sat next to him and pulled him into your arms, then put a hand on his cheek.

"Cmon wake up wake up.", you whispered.

"Take him to your room, put a cold cloth on his forehead. He will be okay, he just passed out.", Tsubaki told you as she knelt in front of you both, staring at you both with care.

You nodded and swept him up into your arms, holding him as close as you could.

You saw a tear roll down Crona's cheek, even though his eyes were closed.

You instantly wiped it away, and bit your lip to keep your own tears at bay (A/N: hey that rhymed!)

Then you said goodbye to everyone and walked to your room carefully to make sure you wouldn't drop Crona.

You opened the door then lightly kicked it open with your shoe.

You gently laid him on your bed and lightly shut the door.

You grabbed a small towel and ran it under cold water, then folded it and put it on Crona's forehead.

You hesitantly kissed his cheek, then you sat by your desk and picked up a book to read while you waited.

Soon, you heard a bed creak and some footsteps. Then a lock clicked.

You shut your book and turned your swivel chair to see Crona, locking the door.

You were thrilled that he was awake, but you were confused on why he was locking the door.

"Crona what are you-", you muttered.

He turned to you and his face was paler than usual, and his eyes were fully engulfed in black.

He smiled wickedly at you-something your Crona would never do.

He walked to you and you got up, backing away.

Where was your weapon, Katie, when you needed her.

What are you thinking?! Crona is your boyfriend.

But this wasn't Crona.

He put an ice cold hand on your cheek, pinning you against the wall.

You looked up in fear at "Crona" towering above you, his fully black eyes staring into your soul. He was still smiling creepily.

"Crona.", you stated, "This isn't you."

"I know, this isn't me. Let me introduce myself. I'm Ragnarok, and I'm your gorgeous nightmare.", he whispered to you, making you shiver from fear.

My Gorgeous Nightmare- Male! Crona x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz