James handed me a beer and kissed my cheek before holding my waist. My phone began to ring, it was Amelia. I picked up and chatted to her for a bit before resuming my chat with James and Dave. 

"Hey James I invited some boys over tonight I hope you don't mind."

"It's fine why would I mind?"

"Well I only invited boys so Cecily will be on her own."

"Its fine I can hang with Betsy, she's more fun then you two anyway."

I flashed James a cheeky smile before he placed his beer down and picked me up over his shoulder in a fireman's lift and carried me in to the house. I reached my hands out towards Dave but he couldn't help himself from grinning and laughing. James carried me all the way to the bedroom and dropped me onto the bed.

"I'll show you how much fun I can be."

I ripped his shirt off and jumped on to the bed before our lips locked. Before I knew it everything was off and my neatly packed suitcase had opened and splurged all my clothes onto the floor. After about 7 minutes James rolled off me and we both were panting hard.

"I'm embarrassed."

He said looking at the ceiling. I lent on to my side and placed my head on my right hand and my left hand on James's chest.


"7 minutes.. That's not like me."

"Well I guess you've been pent up for a while haven't you?" 

I said garishly before receiving a heart warming toothy smile from James. He turned to face me and we stared at each other for a couple of seconds before James said softly,

"I real am incredibly lucky."

I kissed him softly before rolling over and heading towards the bathroom. I cleaned up and brushed my hair and teeth. I came back out and James was still lying there, in all his glory, naked and looking incredibly hot. I bit my lip before catching his eye.

"Like what you see?"

"I guess you could say that."

I lent down and found a turquoise bikini from my suitcase and put on the bottoms followed by the top.

"Bub can you tie this up for me?"

"I'd rather not."

"We have plenty of time to do more of.. that later but now its sunny and I want to get in the sun."

He lazily rolled of the bed and slowly did up the ties and when his fingertips grazed my shoulders my body reacted in flushes of goosebumps. I grabbed a pair of denim shorts and flip flops and put them on and chucked a black vest over the top.


James shouted as I headed for the door, he quickly pulled on some swimming shorts and slipped on some flip flops before running after me. He held my hand and we walked down the corridor in sweet silence. We got outside and Dave was fiddling with the boat. We went and lay down on two of the deck chairs. I pulled of my shorts and vest and began to soak in the sun. I was already olive skin coloured but I tanned very easily so I had to be careful I didn't burn.

"You have such an amazing body Cec."

I giggled before veering my hand out to hit James. Music began to blare from the boat house before there was a triumphant cheer and shout from Dave.


"Lets go check it out Cec."

I smiled and we both ran into the hut. Dave turned around and looked me up and down before glancing at James and shutting his mouth and swallowing and turning back around. James looked at me with a cheeky smile and whispered in my ear.

"Good thing you're mine."

Dave turned around and looked only at James while saying,

"So you guys up for any water sports this afternoon, the guys are getting here around 8 so that gives us a couple hours."

He looked at me again and darted back to James and scuttled back to the boat.

"Dave you're acting like you've never seen a girl's body before."

James said embarrassing Dave as he held his hand out to me to bring me on to the boat.

"Sorry Cec, it's uh it's been a while ahaha"

We all giggled and set off out into the lake and did various activities.

"Boys its 6:30 we should probably start heading back! We have all day tomorrow don't forget."

James nodded and took the wheel before flooring the engine and the spray engulfed the back of the boat. Dave was sitting and clinging tightly onto a inflatable before being ripped into the air and whacking down hard onto the water. I shouted to him

"We are heading back so try not to fall off on the way back!"

I could hear his faint laughs and screams, I grabbed my camera and began to snap pictures of Dave in mid air and pictures of my sexy boyfriend driving the boat. It was times like this I forgot who they were as I think did they. We got back to the house at around 7:15 and we all ran upstairs wrapped in towels. 

"Shotgun first shower James!"

"What no, whoever gets there first Cec." 

He quickly pushed me gently out the way before running up the stairs. The whole house was filled with laughter and joy, as we got to the corridor I stood on the bottom of James's towel making it drop to the floor and he had to stop to pick it up, I burst out laughing as I sprinted past him and into the bathroom and jumped in the shower before a tired man bolted in after me. He started to laugh and the gentle crinkles caressed his eyes. His hair had curled even more from being wet and his beard was beginning to grow. I liked him more with a beard. I used my finger to summon him to the shower while bobbing, replicating his movements earlier. 

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