Part 13

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I warm hand stroked my face and my lazy eyes opened. 

"We're here baby."

I look up at James and as my eyes focused I noticed a large wood and glass house in the background.


I yawned and stretched before leaning up and holding on to James's chin and through a sweet tired smile placed a sweet peck on his lips.


He said in-between fast kisses. I began to giggle and un did my belt. I felt nervous but I wasn't going to show it. I went to the back of the car and picked my case out and put the sunglasses on top of my head.

"You ready?"

James lent his hand out and said with excitement and worry for me. I bit my lip and smiled while exhaling. 

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Before even getting to the door Betsy ran outside and almost pinned me to the floor.

"Darling Cecily, you made it! I'm so happy! Still as beautiful as ever. Here let me take your bag."

She grabbed my bag and lent up to James and planted a kiss on his cheek while saying through a sweet sensitive smile,

"Hello darling, will you go help Dave out in the kitchen please J?"

"Yes mom."

He squeezed my hand before we were separated, Betsy was chatting away about something or rather but I was distracted by the series of pictures along the stair case of James and his brother's at the top there was a large framed picture of their whole family and Betsy pause and smiled. She turned to me then looked back at the picture

"One of the last pictures of us all together. It's my favourite."

I wrapped my hand in Betsy's and squeezed it. I understand what loosing someone that close you feels like. She lent back and rested her head on my shoulder as she was smaller then me.

"It's so nice having another girl here with me. Boys can get quite a lot when they are all together."

I laughed and let go of her hand. She walker down a long glass, light corridor to a large room. I was amazed at the house it was incredible.

"This is where you and James will be sleeping. Theres a bathroom and TV in here and Dave is down the hall and I am down stairs." 

I darted her a quick smile and placed my bag on the bed.

"I'll leave you to freshen up. Come down when you want."

"Thank you Betsy. This means a lot to me."

"Whenever you need me, I'm a phone call away."

As she left the room I assume James told her about my mom because she was extremely empathetic with me. I lay on the giant bed and watched the ceiling fan go around. I quickly went to the bathroom and then wondered down the hall and paused in the middle and looked outside. I saw the huge lake and I saw Dave cooking on the BBQ and drinking a beer laughing with James. He said something before catching my eye and waving, I laughed and waved back and turned my attention to James who was summoning me with his finger while bobbing to some faint music I heard. I went outside and the heat hit me. 

"Cecily hello!"

Dave wrapped me in his ams and planted a large kiss on my right cheek.

"How are you?"

"I'm so good now you guys are here! Lets go tubing after we've eaten yeh?"

"Yeh of course I am up for that!"

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