Gregg shot me a confused glance. ''Go? Go where?''

''To find Selena.'' I stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, because it was.

''Harry, I'm sure the police are already on it.''

I shook my head, ''I don't care, even if they do find her before us -- I just need to be there to see her right away.''

He sighed, ''And what about Lilly?''

I turned towards Lilly who was sleeping on the couch. ''Right. She can come with us.''

''Harry -''

''She can come with us. She won't want to be left out anyway.'' I stated, gently picking her up from the couch and walking with her out the front door.

I heard Gregg mumble something under his breath before he followed us out, closing the door shut behind him.

''And just how do you plan on getting to Florida so quickly?'' he asked, hopping into the car.

I held up my wallet, ''Plane tickets.''

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

By the time we arrived in Florida it was nearly midnight. There wasn't any updated news on Selena, but I still had hope.

We rented a car once we arrived and began driving around and asking anyone we saw if they saw anything sketchy. We ended up falling short each time we had a lead, but it was still okay. We were going to find her.

By morning, I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. I wasn't going to stop, though. Not until Selena and Eddie were safely in my arms.

''You look like shit.'' Gregg, who had taken a quick nap said once awakening.

I nodded, ''Feel like it too.''

''Why don't you rest for a bit and let me drive?'' he asked.

I shook my head, ''I'll be alright. Just keep your eyes open for anything, yeah?''

''No, I'm not doing anything until you agree to get some sleep.'' he stated.

I groaned, ''I'm fine.''

''You aren't. Lilly, does your dad look like he's fine?'' he asked, turning to face her in the backseat.

She shook her head, ''No, he looks sick.''

''See?'' Gregg stated. ''Just take a break and sleep. I promise to wake you if I see anything suspicious.''

Safer With You (Harry Styles and Selena Gomez)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu