"You're here for me birthday!" I exclaimed.

"The free food actually," Aiden teased before pulling me into a hug. Aiden was 14 now and he'd grown tall in three years. His dark blonde hair that used to be chopped down to his ears was now cut short into some kind of spiky do that I assumed must be the new cool look for teenagers.

I shoved him off me and pouted until he gave in and apologised, showing my forgiveness I threw my arms around him and squeezed him tightly.

"I missed you." I said snuggling into his chest.

"Missed you too Ally." He whispered kissing the top of my head.

"Stop hogging her Aiden, we miss her as well," I pulled out of the hug to see both Jamie and Lucas' identical scowls, only one year older than me they still always treated me like I was so much younger.

I jumped into Lucas' arms and then Jamie's giving them both equal squeezes and repeating that I had missed them too. After that it was Sam's turn to open his arms expectantly, I chuckled before complying.

"Hey Sammy," I teased, Pushing me gently backwards; I could see his expression but was still in his arms, I laughed at the scowl on his face.

"Don't call me that Alex, you know I hate it." Sam was the same age as me and it had made us bond quickly; we needed to work together so we weren't subjected to the twins teasing alone.

The second twins as I called them were too young to remember me and were both distracted playing with some other smaller kids on the other side of the perfectly decorated living room. Mom had done a great job, there were princess stickers and balloons. I suspecting the cake would be of some princess design too.

Wanting to thank her I walked over to where she and Derek were talking to Sandra and Karl.

"Oh happy birthday Alex, it's so good to see you!" Sandra grinned before bending down and hugging me. Karl repeated her actions also wishing me a 'Happy Birthday'

"Thank you so much. This is the best day ever, I love you." I shouted.

Figuring this was thanks enough; I beamed a smile at mom and ran off wanting to spend as much time with my new and old friends as possible. I heard the chuckles behind me at my enthusiasm.

Many hours later, when the food had been eating, the music had been played and the candles had been blown out, it was time for people to leave. I didn't mind so much about my school friends because I would be seeing them after the weekend. I just didn't want the Spencer's to leave. Who knew when I would next see them?

"Can I go to their birthday parties next time?" I asked as they all stood at the door, taking turns giving me goodbye hugs.

"We'll see honey," my mom soothed, I nodded, knowing I would beg her and beg her every day until I got the answer I wanted. I wasn't spoilt; I just missed them so much and loved playing with them.

"We won't leave it that long again Alex, we promise." Sandra promised pulling me in for a hug.

I smiled brightly "Okay!" all the parents laughed at me.

"See you guys later." I said slightly more cheerful this time and they all waved before driving off.

"Sandra wouldn't lie about that, would she mom?" I asked just to be sure.

She stroked the top of my head affectionately "Of course not sweetheart, now bed time for the birthday girl."

I yawned straight after her words, like they'd magically made me tired and both Derek and mom laughed, before Derek scooped me up and carried me upstairs.

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