Chapter Twenty Seven

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Three days later. New city.

Elena's POV

I held Harry's hand tightly as he dragged me through the crowd of fans. It was so him to want only one bodyguard with him, even though an Ed Sheeran show is full of One Direction fans.

"We should've come in the back way or something," I said to myself, but somehow Harry heard me and flashed a sly smile before lurching forward again as we braved the mob of fans. My ponytail was given a quick tug that sent my neck snapping backwards with enough force to bring Harry with me. Right before I lost my temper completely, he surrounded me in his arms and practically shielded me the rest of the way in. Finally in the clear backstage, I felt Harry press his lips to my temple and murmur a quiet "I love you". I blushed and squeezed his hand as I whispered it back, still breathless from our little encounter outside.

"I'm so sorry about that," he said before we entered the roped off section, "I didn't think there would be so many fans."

I laughed loudly before quickly covering my mouth to silence the horrid sound. Harry chuckled as he kissed the back of the hand covering my mouth, but soon the hand was removed and we were full on kissing. I lost track of where I was as I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. He seemed to have a similar idea as he took that as an opportunity to slam me up against the wall. I heard a broom fall next to me, but I didn't stop kissing Harry. It was one of those lustful moments when all we wanted was each other, nothing else. He ran his hands down my thighs before hoisting me onto his waist and pressing his hips into mine. Right before I let out a moan, I heard someone clear their throat.

"Am I interrupting something?" An unfamiliar British voice said. Harry practically dropped me as we both flung our eyes open and turned against the wall. And that's when my stomach dropped. A red haired, scruffy and untucked Ed Sheeran stood in front of us, his thin lips stretched into a knowing smirk.

"Save it for a little later, love," he said directly at me, "Harry's got quite the surprise for you."

I felt my cheeks turn red, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. This was Ed fucking Sheeran standing in front of me, my idol, my love, my favorite human being. It's safe to say I was next level fan girling.

"Well don't ruin it," Harry finally said, breaking my uncomfortable silence. Ed smiled and gave him an adorable bro hug that simultaneously melted my heart and turned me on.

"Elena, meet Ed, Ed, meet Elena," Harry said quickly, shoving us together because my feet had suddenly stopped working. Ed took my hand and shook it awkwardly, but his smile showed that he meant well.

"It's nice to finally meet you," he said. My lips trembled slightly before letting my words fall out.

"S'nice to greet you- I mean meet you in such a lovely space right before your show like you must be so nice and funny and probably very busy did you know that there are One Direction fans here? Like they all mobbed me when we came in its crazy how that works-"

"Okay, you got yourself a talker don't you," Ed laughed as he winked at Harry who was shaking his head, his eyes twinkling in adoration. He must find this cute. It was so far from cute.

"Well I got to go on stage, but listen for the fifth song in the set, it's a special one." He winked as he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, tapped Harry on the back, and ran on stage.

After a few minutes of Harry shaking me out of my paralyzed state, he finally took my hand and dragged me into the roped off section on the side of the stage. The front row was far enough away from us that we were practically unrecognizable in the dark, which I was thankful for considering this concert shouldn't be about us.

As soon as Ed took the stage the crowd lost their minds. It wasn't nearly as loud as our concerts, but considering the significantly smaller venue it was still pretty loud. I found myself jumping and cheering along with them as he began his set, swaying my hips and singing my own harmonies. So enthralled in the music, I completely forgot that Harry was there. Until Ed finally took the time to speak to the crowd, about four songs in.

"So there's a song on the album that I don't play at all the venues, because it isn't that popular in my opinion."

I felt Harry place his hand on my waist and pull me in front of him, draping his arms over my shoulders.

"But as some of you may know, we have some very special guests in the audience tonight," he said with a wink, sending the crowd up in flames as they roared with excitement. "And one of these special guests wrote this song with me."

I hesitantly turned to face Harry, his eyes sparkling with eagerness and delight. Before I could ask what this was about he silenced me with a quick kiss, sending the girls behind us who recognized our silhouettes into a fit of screams.

"I see they've been spotted," Ed laughed as he looked over at us and the screaming fans, "Well it just so happens that one of them wrote this with me for the other, and he's very excited to share it with her. So without further ado, this is Tenerife Sea."

My jaw completely unhinged as I stood there, unable to move. Unable to think. Unable to wrap my brain around the whole thing. He wrote Tenerife Sea about me?

Harry carefully turned me around so he could place his hands on my waist, and mine around his neck. He ducked down to place a soft kiss on my lips as he began to sway us to the rhythm.

"You look so wonderful in your dress, I love your hair like that" Harry sang along in my ear as we danced. He pressed me closer, so close that I could feel our hearts beating, hear our breaths even over the voices of the crowd. Ed's voice angelically floated through the air, urging us to forget everything and everyone except each other.

"The way it brings out the blue in your eyes, it's the Tenerife Sea" Harry sang as he took my face in his hands. His green eyes were reflecting the lights from the stage, a thousand galaxies dancing in them. He seemed to be equally fascinated with my eyes, so much so that we had completely stopped moving, we were just looking at each other.

"Elena," he said in a barely audible whisper. But I interrupted him, as usual.

"You don't have to say anything, this said enough," I said with a smile, and I sealed it with a kiss, standing slightly on my tip toes. 5 foot 8 is still too short for him. Our lips were gentle and soft as they molded together, warming every part of my body. My love for him was burning, and his was too. Our passionate heat filtered into gentle happiness as we kissed slowly. There was nothing more beautiful than this moment.

After all this time, after everything we had been through, we found each other. I had often said that we couldn't believe in anything because all we knew was lies. But what we felt right then, what we still feel now, that was the farthest thing from a lie.

We found something true.

Soooo this is finally it, and I'm relieved and sad at all once. Writing is a very taxing process, but so rewarding. Thank you all for reading. I may be posting an epilogue soon, but this is where the official story ends. Kinda lame I know, but it didn't need too be this huge thing like a marriage proposal or all that shit, they just needed to find themselves, find the truth after all their lies.

PLEASE CHECK OUT TOXIC, MY AU HARRY FIC! So far Niall is also in it, and there might be one or two more appearances by 1d. It's MUCH different than this fic, but please take a look it would mean the world. It's dark, dystopian, and not dark Harry. It might be dark main character...but who knows!!!

Thanks again, you reading has made me a very happy girl these past few months.

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