Chapter Three

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Breathless, I finish my song. The crowd applauds like crazy and all I can do is beam. I feel weightless. I can’t describe this moment because it is truly better than words.

Wait. Did I just quote One Direction?

Before I have time to answer my own thought, Pitbull has taken the stage once again and the lights go down on me. I am quickly hauled off the stage, stripped of my performance gear, and returned to my original state, all in two minutes time.

I will never get used to this.

As I go to retake my seat, Niall Horan graciously stands and through a thick Irish accent congratulates me on my performance.

“Ye know I knew ye could sing, but man you are a performer yeah? Don’t ye think so boys?”

Zayn and Louis nod and smile in agreement, Liam blushes and stands up to let me through, and Harry remains seated with his green eyes trained in on my blue ones.

Doesn’t he feel awkward staring at me?

I shift myself around Harry’s lanky legs and sit down with a slight scoff at his rudeness. He looks at me sideways and lets out another low chuckle. It’s enough to send me over the edge.

“You know you could have been a gentleman like Liam and gotten up? Instead of making me squeeze by you and your long-ass legs,” I say a little too fast. I can’t help it, he’s the kind of person that likes to get under my skin and he knows exactly how to do it.

I catch a quick glimpse of Liam smiling to himself, as if he has just won something that I am unaware of. I turn back to Harry to see his green eyes turn dark.

“Feisty huh?” He says in a low gravelly voice, “I like it.”

Simultaneously I feel the heat rise in my cheeks and my skin crawl. I shiver and roll my eyes as I turn away and focus on the performance, but not before I see Liam’s sweet face fall flat with disappointment.

Just two more hours and you will never see him again.


An hour goes by and I have already lost Favorite Female Artist to Katy Perry, who I personally believe deserves it, but judging by Jack’s texts my label isn’t too happy about it. Now it’s time for Favorite Album (Pop/Rock). They read off the list of names: Me, Lorde, Katy Perry, and One Direction. Lorde and I hold hands and I start to shake my knee nervously.

“And the winner is…One Direction!”

The boys jump up with excitement and group hug. Lorde lets out a sad sigh and leans in to me.

“You should have won.”

I shake off the disappointment and clap softly for the boy band now taking the stage. To my utter surprise, or maybe I should have expected it, Harry takes the mic and directs his entire acceptance speech at me.

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