Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up to Liam nudging me awake. I barely even knew where I was before I met his familiar brown eyes.

"Good morning, beautiful," Liam cooed, "Welcome to Japan."

My heart began to race as I quickly unfastened my seatbelt and bolted for the exit, desperate to see Japan.

"It's not gonna run away from you sweetheart," Louis teased from the back of the jet. I shot him a quick glare before returning my attention to the crowd that had formed at the edge of the landing area. They started screaming and waving signs in Japanese like mad, which meant that I must have been the first to step off the plane. While taking in the new landscape I didn't seem to notice two ring-clad hands wrap around my waist.

"Harry?" I whispered in surprise, but he didn't say a word. But then I realized that he had to do this. We were "in love". Except now he won't even talk to me.

I summoned all of my courage and waved to the cheering crowd as Harry kissed my cheek and led me down the steps, but never looked directly at me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Liam trudging down the stairs trying his best to put on a genuine smile for the fans, but I knew this was slowly killing him just as much as it was killing me.

Harry led me out of sight and ushered me into a van, but did not join me. Again, I was joined by Niall and Liam, but no Harry. I felt slightly empty, like he had take a piece of me with him. But Liam's warm hand on my leg shook me out of my thoughts as I turned my attention to him.

Poor, sweet Liam. The man I should love, but just couldn't bring myself to. The man that could come close but never enough to convince me to leave my world of independence and freedom. He could never understand why I didn't want a relationship, how could he? Even Harry barely understood it and he didn't even like relationships. But here I was, about to take him home and use him because I was upset. I really was using him, but I wasn't sure how to stop. That's me, your typical Gemini.

He just looked at me. It was a sort of sympathetic look. His eyes filled with sadness and compassion as if to say that he loved me enough to let me go. He knew I was hurting, he must have. I hadn't said more than a sentence since Harry left without me, and all I did was sleep or stare blankly out the windows lost in my thoughts.

Liam was observant of this, but only because he was protective. I think he was slowly tearing himself apart just to make me happy.

And I was going to use him.

"Need company tonight?" He asked tentatively, his voice cracking a little at the end. I gave him a small smile, knowing very well that he was taking what he could get, holding on to that last bit of hope that I would choose him. I'd be lying to myself if I did.

But at the rate I'm going with Harry, Liam might as well get to stay a couple nights.

I virtually slapped that toxic thought from my mind, internally kicking myself for ever even thinking about taking advantage of Liam like that. But I knew myself, and I was so torn up about Harry and not knowing why he was upset that I needed this. I needed someone.

"Yes," I said finally as I squeezed his hand.

His eyes sparkled for a moment, but quickly flickered away. I broke our gaze to avoid seeing the pain that would soon flash across his eyes and denied myself thoughts of guilt. I needed this. I needed to feel better.

Minutes later we were in my new hotel room with lips attached. He kissed me slowly and passionately at first, but that wasn't what I needed. I needed lust, desperation, heated embraces that sent electricity pulsing through my veins. I needed his arms around me, pulling at my hair and caressing my legs. I wanted his lips on my neck, my chest, trailing down my stomach. Those beautiful brown curls and piercing green eyes-

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