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Kylie's Pov

My teeth sharpened and my eyes glowed red. I looked back at my door and I ran out my house I jumped off the balcony and hid inside the bush. I heard everything the heart beats, the delicious blood, the fear. I smiled to myself as I saw this man walk into an alley I ran to him and hid behind the garbage. I watched him check his phone I can tell he was scared I slowly walked to him I licked my lips as his heart beats were strong which means his blood is healthy. He turned around and screamed and that's when I jumped on him as he was struggling I made him stay still and that's when I stabbed my fangs into his neck and I sucked his nice sweet blood. He was screamed until I started to fade away and then he was dead I had blood in my hands and then rubbed it in my collar of my shirt I still had blood on the sides of my lips I smiled at him and ran away from him I got tired when I got into my balcony and that's when I fell asleep on the marble floor.

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