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So, everyone. 

*Tries to remain composed*

Now that Gone is finished, I'd like to take this moment to thank a lot of people.

FIRST, I'd like to thank my parents and teachers for complimenting my creative writing skills. Without you saying that, I might not have ever joined Wattpad.

SECOND, I'd like to thank those readers who commented and voted. Thank you so much for all the love and support you gave me, it made want to update Gone all day. You don't realise how much you made me smile! 

In particular, I would like to thank:









Sorry if I missed you out!

THIRD, onto the person who I have messaged more than once and has voted :) This person has become basically a friend, even if you do fan over my accent, haha ;)


FOURTH, this person had unknowingly warmed my heart because of their sweet gesture. Thank you so much for the tips given, they really helped!


FIFTH, to all the silent readers out there. Thank you for reading, even though you don't comment :( I still love you!

FINALLY, to a person who has supported me immensely and has commented on just about EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER. And voted. This person has really caused my cheeks to hurt and more recently, basically become my friend. You also fan over my accent, haha ;) 

YOU'RE MY #1 READER and my #ISMA partner!

Thank you to thebestsingerever

To you all once again, THANK YOU! Without you guys, Gone would not have reached #281 today! EEEP. WOW GUYS.

The next part will have the sequel info! WOOP!

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