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Dedicated to romanceandcake - REEM AND ALLEN! REEM AND ALLEN! #RALLEN

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GONE - 23

Dear Issac,

I know I shouldn't depend on people but Lola has been an amazing friend.

She's listened to me ramble on and on about you but she never gets impatient with me.

"Lo?" I asked her. We were sprawled on my bedroom floor, staring at the stars on my ceiling.

"Yes Em?" She turned so that she was facing me.

"You're a great friend and I'm glad that you came to me that day." I smiled a toothy grin.

"I'm glad too," She returned it, "Despite your fake bitchy exterior, you have a heart of gold Emma. Issac is a douchebag for ever leaving you, you deserve the best and I'll kick his ass when he comes back."

If you come back.

"Lola Lovehart, you are my favourite person ever. You remind me of Lucy so much, it's crazy. You're an angel on Earth sent for me."

"I'll always be here for you, Em. Always."

Always. That one word holds so much meaning.


Always and forever.

Lola has brightened up my darkest days. She's been my pick-me-up. Something you used to be.

I never thought I'd say this but...

I think I'm happy.

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Author's Note: ENJOY!  I promised brighter chapters, you got them :)

Leave me your thoughts in the comments :)


Gone | EditedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora