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4 years later...

"Babe, where are my keys?" I shout from the end of the stairs.

"They're on the coffee table!"

"Okay thanks."

I pick up my keys and take them into the kitchen with me, placing them on the counter. I then go to the fridge and get the jam out, lathering it onto my toast before popping in two more and put the kettle on. Once the water is boiled, I take out two mugs and make our tea.

I then walk back into the living room and take a seat with my breakfast and start eating while watching a wedding show.

"Morning babe." Diesel says as he walks into the room, giving me a kiss.

"Morning. Your bread is in the toaster and tea is made." I give him a smile as I turn my attention back to the TV.

"What would I be without you?" He laughs as he walks into the kitchen.

"A lazy old man with no one to love." I call out to him.

He walks back in with his breakfast and takes a seat next to me, "Well, I'm glad I found you then." I roll my eyes and he finally catches on, "I'm not old! We're the same bloody age Emma." He pouts like a child.

"You look older." I wink at him.

"Ha ha."

We haven't changed much in these years. I'm still with Diesel and I'm happy. Sure, we have our arguments and our lover's spats but we're going strong. We finished university last year, with my business degree and his finance one.

More recently, we moved into a bigger apartment after planning our future a little ahead. We want to start a family of our own one day and want the space for it. We also want to get married although he hasn't popped the question yet. 

I finish off my breakfast and place the dishes in the dish washer before grabbing my keys and bag. "I'm off Diesel. Have a nice day at work." I say as I give him a goodbye kiss, as always, and walk outside and into my car.

Just like I had always dreamed, I now have my own clothing boutique. It only opened a few weeks ago, seeing as it took ages sorting out the design of the store and my clothing line. However, I didn't pay for it; I couldn't afford it, seeing as I was a student up until last year. So, my mum gave me a loan which of course, I will repay because I'm not a spoilt brat who takes things for granted.

That was the eighteen year old Emma. 

Before I go to my store though, I take a quick stop like I always do to the same place. I climb the tree house where I wrote my final entry to Issac, four years ago today. The reason why I go there every day is to remind myself of who I was and how I got to who I am today.

Because although I have come to terms with Issac's departure, I just couldn't let my heartbreak go.

I go to the same corner I placed the book, untie the ribbon and open it up. I read two-three entries a day, making sure I don't get caught up in it, or I'd get late for work. 

Today, I am on the thirteenth entry to Issac. I've read this thousands of times but the memory of this very special day is stuck in my mind. 

I remember every single detail of the day he asked me out. It was the most romantic and pleasantly surprising thing anyone had ever done for me. I also remember writing that entry like it was yesterday. I remember the tears falling as I re-lived the moment and as I do this today, the tears fall again.

I decide not to read any more and close the book after wiping my tears. I put it back into the same place and climb back down the tree house.

I look down as I hurriedly walk back to my car, continuously wiping those damn tears that like to mock me. 

Seeing as I'm not looking up, I bump into someone and my bag falls on the ground. I crouch down to pick it up and apologise to the person when my mouth already moves, "Issac?"

There he stood, five years on from when he left me. 

Why is he back?

* * *

Author's Note: THAT'S IT! IT'S FINISHED 


No mention of a certain someone, hmmm?

I don't want to start babbling on here, that's for the next part I'm uploading which are the Thank You's. 

Eeep, see you in the next part loves!

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