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Dedicated to thebestsingerever because of her kind comments on this story so far! Thank you for the spam, it is much appreciated.

Also, Airplanes will forever have my heart #SAXON 

Enjoy :)

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GONE - 18

Dear Issac,

School has been a pain in the ass. Well, it always is. Who likes school anyway? 

You'd always make it somewhat bearable, otherwise no one would see me within a ten mile radius there. Just thinking of it brings me shudders.

You're gone, so I can't tolerate it. I can't tolerate these constant stares that never end,, I can't tolerate the rudeness of the teachers nor I can tolerate being alone. I can't tolerate anything more for any longer! It makes me just want to lock myself up somewhere, far away from everyone.

Exams are coming up and I just want to fail.

Fail like I failed to make you stay. 

If I don't have you then I might as well have nothing, right?

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Author's Note: Leave me your thoughts!

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