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GONE - 32

Dear Issac,

Diesel and I arranged to have our 'date' (as Lola liked to call it) on the upcoming Friday.

Our first date was on a Friday.

I remember every little thing about that date.

You said you'd pick me up at 6.00pm, you knocked on my front door at 5.57pm.

You wore a navy button down that matched my navy maxi dress- I still don't know how you managed to figure out what colour I was wearing, since I kept it a surprise.

We walked arm in arm down my front pathway into your car, being the gentleman that you are, you opened the door for me.

It was cliché but I loved every single bit of it.

We arrived at the beach at 6.43pm and you held my hand as you walked to the shore.

You set up a table- I also don't know how you managed that- which was decorated in white and accents of blue.

Everything complemented each other.

You pulled out a chair for me and I thanked you.

Our dinner was our usual, light-hearted version (we tried to act like we didn't know each other but that failed) which ended in me smacking your arm many times because of your silly remarks.

After dinner, you pulled out a pink and yellow checked blanket and set it down. You then laid down and patted for me to do the same. I joined you and you put your arm around me as I snuggled into your chest.

And in that beautiful moment I felt your heartbeat, as well as mine, increase rapidly as we watched the setting sun together.

We gazed into each other's eyes as our faces grew closer and closer. I pulled back at the last moment with a smirk as I got up and ran into the sea.


You came running behind me after you snapped out of your daze and picked me up.

You threw me into the water where I came up spluttering water and pushing my hair away from my face.

I lunged for you - which was a regular occurrence in our relationship - and you fell as you were taken aback. That resulted in a lot of laughter. We played for hours but felt like minutes until we dried off with the towels you brought and drove home.

You dropped me off to my house and after we said goodbye, I surprised you with a kiss.

I loved surprising you- your wide eyes always made my day.

It wasn't my first first date yet it was the best first date I ever had.

* * *

Author's Note: How'd you like this one loves? I had to throw it back to #ISMA feels, and to be honest I'd be thinking of this too if my first date with Issac went like this.

Will Diesel meet up to the expectations?

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