"Our place?" I asked with a look at Stephen.


"Our place then Jared."

He nodded and got up to make his phone calls. I looked at Stephen and said, "Can you call Grant and see if he could get his cast on board? And then your cast?"

He nodded and left to make some calls. I looked at Rae and she was intently staring at her beer.

"Everything alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, its just going to be hard to find a new job, and with his work hours, I may not see him so much."

"Oh. Well, you have the weekends. Also you have the summer off, so you could go to set with him and meet everyone and still have time to see him."

"Yeah I guess so," she replied dejectedly.

"Don't sound so dejected love. Even though I'm on set all the time, I rarely have a free minute to spend with Stephen."

"Yeah but you guys get to drive to work together, and drive home from work together. Because I don't do what Jared does, I won't get to see him," she whined at me.

"No need for whining. Rae I promise you, Jared is an amazing guy, and no matter whether you see him for five minutes or five hours, it will be awesome. Plus, tomorrow when everyone is over, you will get to meet some more incredible people that I am proud to call my friends."

"Okay," she conceded with a smile.

Just then, Stephen and Jared walked back in with grins on their faces.

"So?" I asked.

"You're going to need to make a lot of food tomorrow," replied Stephen.

I laughed and said, "Awesome. I think its time we get going, yeah?"

"Yeah." I stood up from the couch, and Jared led Stephen and I out of his house. I wrapped Jared up in a hug and whispered, "Reassure her. She is worried about not seeing you." I felt him nod and I smiled. I pulled away and Stephen and Jared "bro-hugged." I rolled my eyes, grabbed Stephen's hand and we headed out.


I woke up the next morning more excited than I have been in a long time. I popped out of bed and started running about the house making sure it was all ready for the amount of people that were going to be in the house. I think it was going to be, myself, Rae, Jared, Jensen, Misha, Mark, Grant, Danielle, Carlos, Tom, Jesse, Candice, Stephen, Emily, Colton, David, Katie, Willa, John, and Paul but with these guys I never could be sure. I had decided to order pizza so I didn't have to worry about cooking for so many people, and I had grabbed my big pad of paper, so that I could write ideas on it.

As the day progressed, my excitement grew, and I think I was driving Stephen crazy because I couldn't stop talking. My mouth just wouldn't stop. I didn't even register what I was talking about I was talking so much. The doorbell rang, and I could hear Stephen sigh in I think thankfulness. I blushed and he placed a kiss on my lips, and went to answer the door. When he came back he had a whole hoard of people with him. Jared, Rae, Jensen, Misha, and Mark followed behind him and they all came in and I stood up to give them hugs. When Jensen hugged me, he whispered in my ear, "Are they together?" referring to Rae and Jared. I nodded and I could feel him smile.

"Finally, I thought he was never going to find someone." I chuckled at Jensen's remark and as I pulled out of the hug, the doorbell rang and I ran to get the door. When I opened the door, I found Emily, Colton, David, Katie, Willa, John, and Paul standing at the door. "Hey! Come on in, and I will explain what's going on when everyone gets here."

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