“Sure.” I shrugged. “Not like I have anything better to do.”

“Okay.” he sighed. “I‘ll go look in the living room.”

“And I‘ll go look in your room.”

“Really?” he gave me a confused look. “You think they‘d be in there?”

“Well I would think so..” I trailed off since he was still looking for his keys in the small drawer. “Hey.” no response. “Everett, that drawer is not the living room.” I touched his forearm the slightest trying to get his attention. I immediately jerked my hand away when he flinched.

Sighing heavily. “I‘m sorry. I just have a lot on my mind right now.”

“It’s fine.” I paused. “I‘m going to try and not die walking back up the stairs with these on.” I stated while staring at my heels. Trying to lighten his mood, but it really didn’t.

He gave the slightest smile, and nodded. “Don‘t die.”

Nodding, I made me way back up the steps, and back to his room.

I opened his door, to see a now neatly made bed. Now if I were Everett where would I put keys? He just throws them anywhere anyway, so they could be, well, anywhere.

I decided to check his top dresser drawer, that’s usually where he used to put them. I pulled on the little knobs of the drawn, but the drawer didn’t seem to budge. Is it glued or what? I pulled harder and harder until it eventually budged, opening faster than I would have liked making the whole thing teeter back and forth. Thank God it didn‘t fall on me.

I remembered seeing something fly out of the drawer when it opened too fast, and sure enough a white folded up piece of paper was lying on the wooden floor. Bending over I picked it up, and was going to shove it in his death trap of a draw\er, but curiosity go the best of me and I unfolded it.

I know you won’t read this until you wake up, baby, but I just wanted to let you know, I love you.

Have a wonderful day.



I saw another folded up paper in the drawer, and grabbed trading it for the one in my hand. They looked like lyrics.

Baby, I’m not moving on, I’ll love you long after you’re gone.

You’ll never sleep alone, I’ll love you long after you gone.


I noticed another, and did the same thing.

You put your arms around me and I’m home.


I unfolded a couple of other and they were all from Jaclyn. Not one single one of them was from Everett. It was very one sided love-y dove-y relationship obvious.

There was a white crumpled piece of paper in the way back of the drawer, I grabbed a corner of it and pulled until it came out. Hurryingly I opened it.

Dear Michelle,

I miss you so much. I should have never let you leave that hospital room. It’s one of the things I regret most in my life.

It stopped there, it looked like he wanted to continue more but someone caught him or something. The letter was dated a few months after I had left.

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