Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


“Mmm!” Natalie threw one of her shoes across the floor as she cried. She was having a little fit.. Again.

She had her implant surgery about two weeks ago, and ever since then, she acted like a monster. But in a cute way, I guess.

The surgery lasted about two hours. The most torturous ever.

I was in the operating room, getting ready to say bye to Natalie. She looked up at me from the table she was laying down on. “I‘ll see you soon Natalie.” I whispered, and kissed her forehead.

I stepped back, and Luke soon took my place. He stroked her hair back, and murmured similar words, and stepped back.

Luke came back to my side, and wrapped his arm around my waist. “Come on babe, she‘s in good hands.” he whispered in my ear.

I turned to face the door, and was about to leave when I heard Natalie cry, I turned around to see her trying to sit up, but when that failed she turned her head towards me, and reached her arms out. It hurt me so much that I couldn’t just go over there, pick her up, and get away from this place.

One of the nurses put her under some general anesthesia. But prior to that, a small section of her hair had to be shaved around her ears, right behind them, the part to be implanted.

We were ushered out the door by one of the nurses. “We‘ll be done in no time, Ms. Martinez.” She smiled as she lead us into the waiting room.

I fell into one of the waiting chairs. “Oh my god.” I murmured, and buried my face in my hands.

Luke crouched down in front of me. “It‘s okay.” he whispered, as he massaged my thighs.

I nodded my head. “I‘m so glad you‘re here.” my voice cracked at the end.

“I‘ll always be here when you need me.” He cupped my face.

I grabbed his face in my hands. “Always?”

He smiled softly. “Always.”

I nodded, kissing his forehead, and went back to looking at the door, hoping one of the nurses or doctors would come out soon.

“And do you know why?” he continued.

I glanced down at him, and shook my head. Because I really didn’t know why. Maybe I did.

“Because..” This time it was his turn to take my face. “I love you.”

And that was the first time he ever said them to me. I smiled, closed my eyes, and leaned my forehead against his.

He laughed sheepishly. “Say something.” he whispered, stroking one of my cheeks with his thumbs.

I knew I loved him already. A long time ago, the first time I saw him interact with Natalie, how I longed for that to be Everett instead. But it couldn’t be. And since that day, I knew this man, stole my heart. Almost as easily as Everett had stole mine.

“I love you too.” I whispered, as I wrapped my arms around is neck.

Kissing my cheek, he stood up, and carried me to another waiting room chair. And there we stayed wrapped into each others arms, until someone showed up to inform us about Natalie.

A nurse came a couple of hours later. “We made an incision,” she explained. “just behind her ears, and that section of the skin is lifted so that the surgeon can drill into the skull bone behind the ear.” I grimaced at it, but tried my best to hide it. “A receiver is placed into the drilled-out area, and an electrode array is inserted into the cochlea.”

The Cochlea, being the auditory portion of the inner ear.

“We closed the incision with stitches.” She continued. “A small scar may be present after. And we bandaged her head, to keep from touching them. And the stitches do dissolve without being removed.” Nodding, we followed her into a room where she was being kept.

The scar was small, but you could see where there cut her, and her hair had already started to grow back. We went back just the other day to get them adjusted. Now my precious baby, can finally hear sounds, that we take for granted.

The first time I had said her name, she stared at me, with wide-eyes, as if wanting to say. “I can hear you now, mama.”

I broke down right then, and there in the office.

I heard my mom start laughing, I turned to scold her as I picked up Natalie’s shoe. “Mom, don‘t laugh!” I whispered harshly.

“I know, I know, but it‘s too funny.” She said as she covered her mouth.

Sighing. “I know it is, but if you laugh, she‘ll think it‘ll be okay to do, and I don‘t want that.” Natalie came right in front of me, throwing her arms up, telling me to carry her. Shaking my head. “No, ma‘am.” I wanted her to know it wasn’t nice of her to throw things, or throw fits.

This only caused her to cry more. “Oh, Michelle, please. Stop being mean to her.” My mom stood up, and bent to scoop her up.

“I‘m not being mean,” I sighed. “I just want her to know, it‘s not a good thing to throw fits, or anything.” and took a few steps back to sit on the couch.

“Come to grandma.” My mom opened her arms, but Natalie shook her head, and headed towards me, arms raised again.

I bit my lower lip, and was finally about to caved. “Hey, Ms. Martinez.” I looked up to see Luke coming through the door.

Looks like he never saw the message I sent him, telling him I’ll be at my mom’s house, and we’ll take off from there to Corpus Christi. “Hey.” My mom sighed, kind of disappointed that Natalie didn’t want her.

“Hey, baby.” He leaned over, grabbing my chin in the process, somehow avoiding squishing Natalie, and kissing me lightly. Only for my mom’s sake.

“Hi.” I smiled, as he sat next to me.

Natalie turned her attention from me to Luke, knowing he’ll cave in, I guess. “Hello to you too.” He picked her up as soon as she lifted her arms to him. “Did her therapist come?”

Natalie had a therapist come about one to three times a week, to help her learn words, colors, shapes, and basic things, such as picking up her toys, or playing with puzzles, and almost everything.

The therapist came today saying to had the speaking mentality of a three month old so far. So she was far behind, but she was a fast learner.

She asked us if what we preferred Natalie to learn, sign language, or actually speaking. I preferred speaking, but my mom, and I had already taught her a few sigh language signs.

And since Natalie didn’t like her hearing aid to actually be on her ears, her therapist showed us this great way to put her hearing aid in her ponytail, with the magnets connecting still. The hook end of the hearing aid would hook into her ponytail, as if hanging there, and of course the magnet pack attached to her head.

“Yes, she‘s learning more and more each time.” My mom smiled.

“That‘s great.” Luke kissed Natalie on the forehead, as she leaned against his chest to fall asleep.

“Well,” my mom stood up. “since you came, I‘m pretty sure we could get going now.”

“What about Miles, and Riley?” I yawned.

She pulled out her phone, and started skimming it, looking for something. “Hmm, I really don‘t know.”

“Well, they just started their vacation today mom, so..”

“They‘re outside.” She laughed. “Waiting by the car. So, let‘s all get going. I‘ll take them in my car, and ya‘ll can take Luke’s.”

“Sounds like a plan!”


“Ma.” I turned in my seat to see what Natalie wanted. She pointed to the pack of goldfish on the floor.

“Don‘t make a mess.” I handed her some in a plastic cup.

“Are we almost there?” Luke sighed.

“I told you to let me drive.” I chuckled.

Laughing, he grabbed my hand. “And I told you I‘m a gentleman.”
Rolling my eyes, I snorted. “Should have just let me drive, Mr. gentleman.”

“Looks like your mom‘s taking a pit stop.” Luke said, as he put on his turn signal.

I pushed my glasses so they were on top of my head. I noticed we were at some gas station. “Or she‘s getting annoyed.” I mumbled as we parked, and got off, making sure the car door didn’t hit my mom’s which we parked next to. “Hey mom, how‘s it going?” I smiled as I placed my sun glasses back on.

She exhaled harshly. “How‘s it going?” Uh oh. “I‘m stuck in a car, with two boys. And one saying, ‘When are we stopping? I need to take a leak so bad.’ every ten minutes. ”

I turned my head towards the entrance to see Riley running in. I should have known.

“Sorry Shannon. Riley can be a handful.” Miles apologized with a small smile.

Sighing, my mom pinched the bridge of her noise. “It‘s fine. You I can handle. Him? He‘s a totally different story.”

“Hey, babe,” Luke whispered. “I‘m going to go change her so you can go to the bathroom, or whatever.”

I turned my head towards him, and whispered back. “Thank you.”

“Anything for you.” he kissed my cheek.

“You shouldn‘t say that.” I gave him a knowing look.

“And why is that?” he asked as he placed Natalie on the ground, and she soon bounded to her grandma.  As soon as that happened, Luke passed my mom the diaper bag.

“I‘ll get spoiled?” I arched one of my eyebrows.

He looked up, seeing if anyone was there, and I knew there wasn‘t, because he smirked, and pushed his body against mine, causing me to back up into the car. “That‘s okay.”

“Not to me.”

“Think about it. You‘ll get anything you want.” his lips grazed up and down my neck.

Swallowing hard, I managed. “All I can think about are dirty things when you say that.” I said honestly.

He chuckled against my neck, causing goose bumps to spread. “Dirty girl.” he whispered in my ear.

I laughed, it was the only thing I could do. I thought back to our anniversary dinner, when Riley asked if we were going to do the ‘deed’ that night, which of course we didn’t. I just wasn’t ready, but for the past couple of months, Luke’s been a little more… alluring.

What does he think he’s doing?

Trying to be seductive?

Well, two can play that game.

I grabbed the back of his neck with my hand, and pulled him towards me until my lips were against his ear. “Only with you” I murmured against the skin behind his ear.

He sighed softly into mine. Obviously enjoying this.

I smirked against his skin. “Enjoy that?” I whispered as my lips when down to his neck.

“Yeah.” he whispered back softly, lowering his arms, then lifting them back up to rest his hands on my hips.

“What about this?” I kissed his skin lightly, before gently sucking some in my mouth.

Feeling his grip tighten on my hips, I only knew one thing.

Looks like I still got it.

“We leave for a few minutes, and we come back to this?”

The voice startled me. “Mom..”

Shaking her head, she laughed. “If we didn‘t come back sooner, some clothes might have came off.” Miles rolled his eyes.

“Sex in a parking lot, outside of a gas station.” Riley stated. “Well,.. ‘YOLO‘!” he yelled, causing everyone but my mom to laugh, only since she doesn’t know what it meant.

Miles chuckled. “You‘re such an idiot, Riley.”

“Your name calling is really unnecessary, and very hurtful.” Riley sighed, as he climbed into my moms car.

“No way, out of my car!” My mom snapped her fingers, and pointed to Luke’s car. Which I noticed he was strapping in Natalie. God bless him.

“But, Ms. M,..” He gave her his saddest face. “I love you.” He stepped out of her car, and kneeled down in front of her, “Ever since I met you..” he started.

Oh my god. I could not believe he was doing this, I wanted to laugh so bad, but I held it in. It was just getting good.

“I‘m not a--” my mom started.

“No, no,” he interrupted her. “Let me finish. I thought you were an angel.” he sighed, and fanned himself.

“Get this over with already.” I heard my mom murmur, pinching the bridge of her nose.

“Will you marry me, my buttercup?” he batted his eyelashes at her.

“No.” She said loudly. “And I‘m no cougar mom either.” She opened her car door, and slide into the seat, hurryingly locking the doors so Riley couldn’t get back in.

“My heart. It hurts terribly.” Riley clutched at his chest as he stood up.

“Mom, Riley can‘t be that bad.” I rolled my eyes.

She pointed at me. “You‘ll find out.” and with that she slammed her door.


“Are we there yet?”

I rubbed my temples. “If you ask that one more time..” I paused. “I‘ll punch you in the balls.” I whispered harshly, turning in my seat to glare at him.

Ignoring me, he thrusted his hand forward, almost pointing one of my eyes in the process. “Oh! We‘re here.”

“Mm.” Natalie pointed at Riley, and shook her finger back and forth, telling him no. Or she was telling him not to yell again, one of those.

“Sorry.” He smiled at her. “But we are here.”

I turned to face the front again, to see we were here. At a, not a huge or massive, but a pretty big house. Two story, like mine, but this one looked more.. Upscale. A porch wrapped around the house, a couple of porches were on the second floor, and a chimney was on either side of the house.

Everett never told me his parent were rich.

“Jennifer,” Riley started. “Is a designer.”

“Jennifer?” I whispered.

“Everett‘s mom.” He began. “She‘s not a big time designer.. Yet. But she‘s in the middle. Gets paid good money for the things she designs.”

Oh wow, but I always thought people on the luxurious side were stuck up, and all that. But Mrs. Thompson was the complete opposite, more like super sweet, and down-to-earth.

She didn’t even dress high class, more like casually. Like for comfort instead of class.

“What do you think Luke?” I asked.

“Nice house, but I think you should be more nervous about who‘s inside.” He gave me a knowing look.

“What do you mean who?” I whispered.

“You know who I mean.” His jaw was clenched, and his hands tightened on the steering wheel.

I grabbed one of his arms, prying off his hand. “Babe.” I sighed as I intertwined our fingers.

“I‘m okay.” he forced on a smile.

“Don‘t be a liar.”

“You don‘t be. You can‘t keep saying you don‘t have feelings for him Michelle. If you loved him like some people say, a part of you will always love him.”

I opened my mouth to say something, anything. To tell him that it wasn’t true. But then I’d be lying.

I didn’t love him though. A part of me had feelings for him, a small part, but that was it.

Riley cleared his throat, cutting through the tense air in the car. “You can park in the front I‘m sure, right behind Michelle‘s mom.”

“Right.” Luke sighed.

As soon as we parked, Riley jumped out, giving us time to talk among ourselves.

“I‘m sorry.” Luke ran one of his hand through his hair. “I‘m just nervous.” He bit his lip.

“You have nothing to be nervous about, you know?”

“You don‘t know that, but I trust you.”

I squeezed his hand. “Good.”

Opening the door, I noticed he still hadn’t let go of my hand. “One kiss?” he asked.

“Just one.” I whispered.

He pecked me on the lips. “Alright, now we‘re ready.”


“Well, were is she?” A voice boomed for somewhere down past the foyer, causing me to jump. Not because they were yelling, because they weren’t, it was just a loud voice.

“Looks, like Mr. Thompson knows we’re here.” Miles chuckled.

“There she is!” I jumped again, causing him to laugh. “So there sweetie.” I noticed I was staring down at my feet, telling myself it was rude, I forced myself to look up and face him.  My eyes widened the slightest. He looked almost like Everett, except of course for the wrinkles, and gray hairs. But I would say Everett look more like his mom.

“H-hello.” I stuttered.

He smiled down at me. “No need to be nervous Michelle.” He stuck his hand out for me to shake. “Shake now, hug later?” he offered.

Nodding my head, I slowly smiled taking his hand. “Deal.”

“You can call me Derek, by the way. Now.” He rubbed his hands together. “Where is my lovely granddaughter?” I’m guessing he already met my mother, since he smiled at her. 

“She should be with Riley.” She bit her lower lip.

“So close, yet so far.” Derek shook his head.

“I know what you mean.” My mom cracked a smile.

“No.. that would be a horrible color.” A familiar female voice rang in my ears. Jaclyn. “I said no!” she cried.

“Lord. If I hear her scream like that again. She‘s is out of my house, I don’t give a damn if she‘s marrying my son.” I heard Jennifer mumble beside me.

I smiled slightly, not knowing if I should agree or disagree. It felt weird for me to call them by there first names in my head, so I finally settled for just their last.

“Dear, don‘t be harsh now.”

“Well, Derek, do you hear that?”

“Yes.” he nodded.

“And that doesn‘t annoy you?”

“I try to ignore it.”

“Well, there‘s my problem. I can‘t, just, ignore it.” Mrs. Thompson used air quotes.

“Well try.” Mr. Thompson sighed, and with that he walked away. Mrs. Thompson trailing after him.

I took this time to look at the pictures hanging up. I guess I took a long time, because my mom came to find me.

“Michelle, everyone‘s in the dining room.” She stood next to me. “I texted Luke too, he said Natalie was getting fussy from being carried too much, so he took her out for a walk, so he should be getting back soon.” She grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “I know you‘re nervous.” she whispered.

I noticed I kept rubbing my hand down my floral dress. It was red, with tiny white flowers scattered everywhere. Spaghetti strapped, of course, which crisscrossed at the back. My hair was down, flowing with soft curls. “Sorry.” I murmured.

“Just take a deep breath, everything will be fine.” Nodding, I let her drag me down the hall, to where I’m guessing is the living room, but no one was sitting down. They were standing up.

I stood next to my mom smiling, nodding every now and then. Not really listening to what was being said, or what the topic was.

“Hey mom.”

That did it.

The smile slipped off my face.

I froze. Looking probably like a statue, as if thinking standing extremely still, will let me become invisible.

I swallowed the lump that form in my throat.

And I forced my eyes down, to look at my sandals.

“In here.” Mrs. Thompson called back.

“I was wondering, if I-” he stopped. Like he was taking in what was happening.

I felt my face burn, I knew someone was staring at me. No need to guess who.

“Look who I invited over.”

“I can see that mom.” I heard feet moving.

“Hey man.” I heard Miles say.

“Nice to see you again too bro.” Everett chuckled.

Lord have mercy. My heart raced at the melodic sound.

That is so wrong to think of. I’m sorry Luke, I told myself mentally.

“Shannon.” I saw his dress shoes come into view, along with his dark blue jeans.

“Looking good I see.” My mom laughed.

“I could be better.” he chuckled.

I’m next.

It sounded like I was getting lethal ejections.

And soon his shoes came into view.

I took a deep breath to calm myself. I can do this. Be emotionless.

Slowly I raised my head. And soon regretted it, wishing that I had just totally ignored him, instead of being the nice person I am. Because when I look up, I immediately saw those green eyes. Those damn mesmerizing green eyes. And that tight fitting dress shirt, that easily showed off his muscles.

“Hello.” He smiled down at me, his tone slightly teasing.

“Hi.” I whispered.

“How are yo-”

“Everett? Are you here?” Jaclyn called for him.

He frowned deeply. “We‘re not done yet.” he whispered before turning around. 

“Oh there you-” As soon as she saw me, she frowned. Or was she extremely pissed. “What the hell are yo-” She noticed we weren’t alone. And immediately corrected herself. “Took you so long to visit.” She threw on a bright smile.

Mrs. Thompson snorted. “Obviously she was avoiding you, like I wish I could.”

Rolling her eyes, she turned away. “I‘ll talk to you later.” She directed towards Everett, after he nodded she walked off.

“Ma!” Natalie yelled down the hall. She saw me.

“Well, look at what we have here.” Smiled Mr. Thompson. He knew Everett still didn’t know, and promised to keep the secret for me. Thank God. Because right now I couldn’t deal with that.

She was holding Luke‘s hand, walking towards use with a smile. “Who‘s that.” I heard Luke asked, as he smiled pointing towards us.

“I brought some drinks.” I hadn’t even noticed Mrs. Thompson had left. “How cute.” She laughed as soon as she saw Natalie, and Luke.

I nervously looked out of the corner of my eyes to peek at Everett. He stared, a frown fixated on his face. As if wondering who she was.

“Mm!” She pointed towards my mom, and reached for her hand to hold.

“Hi, cutie.” My mom smiled down at her.

“She looks just like you.” Mr. Thompson chuckled.

Everett frowned even more. He looked so lost. Taking a sip of his lemonade he finally spoke. “I never knew you had another one on the way, Shannon.” he smiled.

Miles, and Riley choked on their drinks

I froze, along with Luke. I grabbed a hold of his pinkie, and squeezed it tight.

My mom simply laughed. “Oh, no, no. I‘m a little too old to be having children.”

“Then?” he was so lost now.

I bite my lip.

He turned to face us. Luke and I. He stared down at our intertwined hands. “She‘s…” he trailed off. Looking down at her, then to me. He did this for a number of times. Comparing our features.

I swallowed hard.

His face hardened suddenly, taking Luke in. “With him?” he snorted.

“Everett.” his mom whispered harshly.

Luke stepped forward, his hand still holding mine, he extended his free hand towards Everett. ”Luke. It‘s nice to meet you.” I could tell he was smiling, even when he was in front of me, because his cheeks tightened.

Everett stared down at his hand. Not taking it, and Luke dropped his hand, stepping back. Everett turned his gazed on me. “Really? Him?”

His mom punched him in the back, saying something along the line of, ‘Don’t be so goddamn rude.’

“Never thought you would go for a pretty boy, Michelle.” he smirked, totally having fun with this.

I felt my jaw clench. I was not about to say anything.

The parents engaged into a talk about Natalie, no one to help me, not even Natalie who was still by grandmas side.

Nope, now she was by mine. “Mm!” Natalie pointed at Everett, and smiled.

He stared down at her. His brows furrowing. “She‘s yours.” he whispered.

“I‘m going to go with the guys.” Luke whispered in my ear. I nodded. “Be back soon.” He kissed my cheek, and off he went, leaving me alone with Mr. Rude.

“Yes.” I answered him, and picked her up, placing her on my hip.

“Why‘d you chose him?” He nodded his head towards Luke who was walking away.

“Why‘d you chose her?” I shot back, him knowing exactly who I was talking about.

He bit his lip. “Don‘t answer a question, with a question.”

“Well, don‘t give you opinion about someone, when I never asked.”

“Touched a nerve?”

“No, it‘s rude. You don‘t see me judging Jaclyn, do you?”

He nodded, and then stared at us, like we were the most amazing thing he ever saw. “You two look so much a like.”

Nodding. “Like mother, like daughter.”

He held out a hand to her, which she grabbed quickly. Squeezing, and unsqueezing his hand. “I always knew you’d make a good mother.”

“Look, I really don‘t feel like talking to yo-”

“I‘m jealous.” he continued.

I inhaled sharply. He’s what?

He stared over my shoulder, I quickly glanced to see he was looking at Riley, and Miles talking.

“It‘s like..” he shook his head not finishing.

“Like?” I whispered.

I mentally kicked myself, I’m not suppose to want to talk to him.

He shook his head again and smiled at the both of us. “We need to talk.”

I nodded, like the idiot I am. Say no stupid, I told myself.

He nodded back, and stepped forward until he was beside me. ”Privately.” he whispered, and walked off.

I knew I had to follow him.

And being the fool I am, I handed off Natalie to my mom, and followed.



Same thing still applies for the dedication. So, comment if you want one, and
I always pick the one that stands out.

You guys are amazing, and without all of you, there would probably be no
Motivation for me to be continuing, So thank you all so much.

Vote. Vote. Vote.
And all that good stuff<3


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