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May 29th. The last day of the second semester. The last day of my freshman year at UCLA. Approximately thirty minutes before the official beginning of summer break. And roughly five seconds until Blue was about to puke all over my new Vans.

"I told you not to drink the stuff Michael mixes, Blue! You're probably gonna die from alcohol poisoning or something, bro," I led her to one of the antique armchairs in the unnecessarily luxurious living room of the Alpha Rho sorority that had been our home for the past year.

The room was crammed with drunk people dancing on everything and everyone they could find. I wasn't all that surprised at the turnout, with it being one of the most popular sororities with possibly the most admired student as our head.

Vanessa Campbell. Tall, blonde and the definition of "social butterfly". After just completing her undergrad degree in some or other science, she would be back next year to do her postgrad, and also to remain head of the Alpha Rho house.

"Please gemme some water," Blue slurred, unbelievably drunk. I was so pissed at Michael.

I slowly made my way through the mass of bodies towards the kitchen, which was a lot emptier than the rest of the house. There was Roy, the weirdo who was always at our sorority for food, searching frantically in the refrigerator, probably for some takeaway. Candice was mopping up some oddly coloured liquid off the floor.

I had to awkwardly reach around Jax, my boyfriend's obnoxious idiot of a friend, who was disgustingly making out with Penelope, Vanessa's best friend. While the combination was odd, I didn't put it passed either of them. They were both sluts.

"Here ya go," I handed the ice cold water to Blue, hoping it would reduce the effects of whatever Michael had given her.

It was during a song change that we heard it - a loud, high pitched scream that was enough to kill anyone's vibe. The person in charge of the music was a bit slow to react, so the beginning of the next song drowned out the next round of screams.

With shocked expressions we all made our way to the backyard of the double-storey house. The sororities and fraternities in our area were directly linked to the thickets and meadows behind it.

Blue, still clutching her glass, walked next to me, and two steps later we were joined by Michael. The crowd stopped dead at The Tree, a loud silence ensued.

"Somebody call 911!"


When I saw her I sobered up immediately. Someone made their way to her side and I assumed he checked her pulse.

I was frozen in place. Was she actually dead? It couldn't be, she looked like she was just asleep. There were no signs of any injuries, so maybe she had some of Michael's drinks and passed out. Or maybe someone pulled a Sleeping Beauty on her?

I was pulled out of my semi-drunken thoughts by flashing lights and sirens. Paramedics rushed to her side while the police quickly evacuated the area.

I was still a bit shaken up, either by what we just saw or the alcohol still in my system. Delta steadied me as we walked off back to the Alpha Rho house with Michael.

The moment we walked in, we heard soft sobbing. We slowly followed the sound into the living room and saw Charlie, our sorority sister and friend, curled up on the couch, crying.

"Are you okay, Charlie?" Michael questioned.

"She's dead! Vanessa is dead."

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