Chapter Twenty Three

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I turned around real fast.

He didn't see me, right?

"Emma?" Kill me now. God, why do you hate me so much? I thought before turning around and looking at the face of a very unhappy dad.

"What are you doing here?" He said when he got closer.

"Uh," He glanced at his watch.

"School doesn't end for another ten minutes. So why aren't you there?" He crossed his arms.

"I kinda skipped after lunch.." No point in trying to lie now. I'm going to get in trouble either way.

"I see that." He glanced behind me. "Is that Louis?" He asked. He took my silence as a yes. "Did he put you up to this? Force you too ditch or whatever?"

"He didn't force me too." I replied. "I went willingly,"

"Car. Now." He said pointing to the door, I sighed walking towards the door. Glancing back at Louis, my dad was talking to him.

"This can't be good." I muttered before pushing the door open.


*Louis' POV*

"So you're Louis. Oddly you look like the same boy who was behind bars back in January under my watch." He glared at me. "How old are you?"

"Eighteen." I replied.

"Do your parents know you ditch school?"

"No." I answered truthfully. He looked at me, more like glared at me actually.

"I want you to listen to me very carefully. I don't like you very much. I've caught you two twice. Doing god knows what the first time with her and I don't want to know what you two were doing so spare me the details. But I'm trying to be fair here, even though I really just want to tell you to stay away from Emma but like I said, I'm trying to be fair so I'm giving you one more chance to prove to me that you're actually worth my daughters time. Got it?" I nodded. "Don't make me regret this." He said before turning around and walking to the counter. I heaved a sigh before walking to the door. My phone rang in my pocket. I pulled it out as I pushed the door. Zayn, again.

"What?" I said answering it.

"The hotels good to go." He said.

"Thank you Zayn I owe you big-"

"Just to let you know, the boss wants to meet you in person to talk to you about your arrangement of leaving." He said cutting me off and then hanging up. I knew it wasn't going to be that easy.



Short chapter, but I updated(:

This chapter just kinda sucks. I'm getting writers block. Really sorry.

I might update later on, if you guys want me too and if I find time.

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