Chapter Eighteen

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*Emma's POV*

I checked my phone when I walked inside my house, Louis following behind me, to see if anyone had called. Nobody. I locked it and put it on the kitchen table.

"I'll be right back," I said to Louis who stood in the kitchen looking around. He nodded. I wennt to my bedroom and pulled out a pair of nike shorts and a gray tanktop and laid them on my bed. It was warm out, plus with the running all around it would be fine. Grabbing the clothes I skipped to the bathroom and turned on the radio I had in there; King of anything by Sara Bareills was playing then I brushed out my now tangled hair and put it in a high pony tail. I skipped out on the make up because I would probably be sweating it off anyways. I threw the dress in the hamper and slipped into my new clothes, then brushed my teeth. I was humming along as I walked back to my room, to grab my shoes. I stopped short when I saw Louis laying on my bed, his phone illuminiting his face. He hadn't glanced up at me so I was guessing he hadn't heard the door open. I slipped back out into the hallway and went to turn off the radio. Walking back in he was standing near the door, socks in his hand.

"Oh thank you." I said taking them and bending down to grab my shoes.

"When you walked in I figured you were going for your shoes." He replied as I walked over to my bed.

"Wait- did you go in my drawer?" I asked, already knowing the answer. He grinned at me.

"Not like I haven't seen anything that's in the drawer before."

"Oh." I said quietly putting on my socks then my shoes. I tied them slowly, letting what he said sink in. Well of course I figured he had been with girls before, but I didn't really think he was going to say that so bluntly. I stood up.

"Emma I didn't mean it like that." He must have saw something in my expression.

"I'm fine." I said walking pass him. He caught my arm. "Really. It doesn't bother me okay?" I lied. I slipped out of his grip and walked out the door. He followed behind me.

"Are you ready?" He asked when I grabbed my phone and headed towards the door.

"Sure." I replied opening the door.


*Louis POV*

"And that," I took a drink from my water bottle, "Is how you do that." I capped my water and sat down next to her.

"That was fun." She said a moment later. I nodded.

"What do you do for a job?" She asked suddenly.

"Oh." I paused. "I'm a soccer trainer I guess you could say. For kids." I said truthfully. It was a side thing I did.

"So like a coach?" I nodded slightly.

"I like helping kids. It's pretty fun." I said thinking of my sisters. I looked down at the feild.

"You're suppose to wear cleats." I said looking at her running shoes. She shrugged.

"Still kicked your butt." She smiled.

"Oh whatever." I said playfully pushing her.

"You didn't let me win did you?" She asked tucking a piece of hair that had fallen from her pony tail.

"Well if I did, I wouldn't tell you. Now would I?" I went easy on you, I thought. She smiled and leaned into me.

"Guess not." I put a arm around her. "I need another shower." She said moving from my embrace.

"Yeah you do." I dogded one of her playfull hits. "Showers are this way, unless you want to go back home."

"Which home?" She asked standing up.

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