Chapter Sixteen

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"Im fine Emma." Louis said moving away from me.

"No you're not. Stop moving." I told him, grabbing his chin and tilting his head slightly and dabbing his cuts and bruises.

"Im really sorry. I ruined everything." I stopped for a second and looked at him.

"You didnt ruin anything. You got hurt, not like you planned for this." I went back to dabbing.

"I know, but-"

"I like being with you, just you anyways." I said cutting him off. He smiled at me and put a hand over mine.

"Im fine. Thank you." I stood up and went to the sink and rinsed out the cloth then went over to the hamper and tossed it in there.

"Im going to go take a shower." Louis said standing up and stretching. Wincing at the motion. He tried to hide it with a smile as he asked if I wanted to join him.

"Maybe next time."

"Im counting on that." He called over his shoulder as he walked down the hall. I waited till I heard the water running before walking to the door that was locked the first time I was here. I jiggled the door knob, it was still locked. I looked around for something to unlock it with. My eyes fell on a boby pin that laid on the mantle. I walked over and grabbed it, not really wanting to know why it was there. Well, it works in the spy movies, I thought trying to unlock it. After a few times I tried, I realized the water wasnt running anymore.

"Oh no." I thought before turning around. Louis was leaning against the door frame, arms crossed, his hair dripping, his mouth was set in a thin line, his eyes were a darker shade then normal.

"What are you doing?" He asked quietly. I didn't answer. He walked over to me, he took the bobby pin from me and put it in his pocket.

"You. Dont. Need. To. Go. In. There." He said emphasizing every word.

"Why. Not." I said also emphasizing each word.

"Don't mock me." He said harshly. "Why don't you just listen to me when I say not to go in there?" I backed up, my back was pressed against the door.

"You have nice hair," I said trying to change the subject. He shook his head at me. A fail attempt.

"This is the last time im telling you." And with that he turned away from me and walked to his bedroom, slamming the door closed. I waited a few seconds before walking into the living room. I patted my pockets for my phone, realizing I must have forgotten it in the car. I looked around for his keys. He mustve took them in his room with him.

I sighed and sat on the couch, tucking my feet under me and leaning my head against the arm rest.


"Im sorry." Someone said, whispering it my ear. I opened my eyes and saw Louis crouched infront of the couch. He smiled when he saw I was awake.

"What time is it?" I muttered.

"12:15," I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes.

"Come on, i'll let you borrow one of my shirts." He grabbed my hand and led me to his room then leaving me at the door to retrieve a shirt. He turned around, covering his face so I could change.

"Is it a convinence that your standing infront of your mirror?" I asked with a laugh, noting the full length mirror he had in the corner of his room.

"Ah, you got me." He smiled at me. I walked to the bathroom, slipped out of my dress and put on his shirt. I was glad it was a long one, so it fell above my knees. I took a glance at myself in the mirror, i grabbed the pony tail holder off my wrist and put my dark brown hair in a side braid.

By the time I was done, Louis had crawled into bed, leaving a dimmed light on.

"Where are you going?" He asked when I headed to the door.

"The couch." He patted the spot next to him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yep. Like I said i get lonely." I put my dress on the chair that sat by his mirror before crawling into bed. He snuggled closer to me. He wrapped a arm around me, pressing against his chest. I closed my eyes as he kissed my neck, while his hand skimmed over my chest and down to where the shirt stopped, a moment later he pulled it up. My eyes shot open as soon.

"Louis, please." I said, moving his hand away and pulling down the shirt. He sighed.

"Good night love," He placed a kiss on my neck, a moment later I felt teeth graze my skin. I let out a sharp breath, making him laugh. I layed there, listening to him breath. A quiet peaceful noise. I closed my eyes, and fell into a slumber.



Aca- Awkward moment there at the end.

But hope you liked this chapter. Someone said Louis wasn't mean enough, so I'm trying but I'm failing at it haha.

Vote/Comment/Fan if you liked this chapter and if you want me to post the next chapter. 


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