Chapter Two

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My dad came back in a few minutes later, keys in his hand. He unlocked the cell, letting Louis go.

"Stay out of trouble." He said in his big officer voice. I bit my lip, trying not to laugh. You would never think my dad was an officer if he wasn't in his uniform. He had rectangular glasses, big brown eyes and his black hair was thinning. He was tall but also small, he reminded me of a mouse. Very gently and quiet. He was as harmful as a pomeranian.

"Will do," He said quietly, glancing at me. A smile on his lips as he waked out.

"Okay." Dad said rubbing his hands together. "Ready to go?" I nodded. He dropped the keys in a drawer before walking to the lightswitch to flick it off.

I put my headphones back in as we got in the car, I didn't completly understand why he drove to work considering it was only a five minute walk. If i had to pick one word to sum up my dad it would be weird. But meaning that in the bestest way possible.

Today will be my first day of high school at Hall Cross. Everyone would be gushing about their gifts from the holiday while I sat off in a corner on my iPod. I was never good at making friends, and probably never will be. I had friends, barely though. I'm not a loner but i enjoy being by myself. It's not like i'm an outcast but I just blend in with everyone. Kinda like a wallflower. I stood infront of my full length mirror that was tacked up on the baby blue wall in my room. My hair must have known it was the most nerve racking day for me because it would not stay down. I groaned, brushing through it once more. I ran across the hall to the bathroom running the brush under the water thinking it would help. It didn't.

Frustarated I flung it in the basket and walked out. Why couldn't my hair be like some of the models they show on t.v? Platinum blond instead of this frizzy dark brown hair. Least my outfit was half decent. Dark blue skinny jeans, a gray shirt with black black flats.

"Emma! Hurry up, it's almost time to go!" Bridgit called from downstairs.

"Be there in a sec." I called out rushing to get my bag, I bounded down the steps. Bridgit stood with her jacket across her arm.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Ready as i'll ever be." I said truthfully. I don't know if you can ever be truely ready to go to a new school. Bridgit nodded and slipped her jacket on.

"Can I drive?" I asked.

"Over my dead body." She said with a laugh.

"Oh c'mon. I'll be careful."

"You said that last time and you ruined the neighors mail box." She laughed and opened the door.

"Well maybe it shouldn't have been so close to the back end." She shook her head laughing. 

"Maybe when it get's sunnier."

"If it ever does." The drive was quiet. I starred out the window thinking of the party and yesterday. I doubt i'll ever lay eyes on him again. I remember him telling me that he went to a private school.

Bridgit pulled up to the school, giving me a prep talk.

"I'm fine. Really. I'll see you later." I slid out of the car before she could give me a talk about boys. She alway seems to forget that no guy has ever liked me. Sure i've been called pretty, but everyone gets called that atleast once. Doesn't mean it's true.

"Exscuse me." I said when i walked into the office to get my schedual.

"Oh. Hi! You must be the new girl. Um Emma Johnson right?" I nodded, she filed through papers.

"Ah here you are! Do you need someone to show you around?" Before I could answer she turned around. "Louis, come here. Theres a new girl that i'd like you to show around." My heart stopped. He stood up and walked over, a smile on his lips. His eyes roamed over me.

"Okay." He held out his hand for the paper. "We have first together." He smiled at me.

"Yay." I said trying to sound enthusiastic but failing terribly.

"Come on." He had hopped the counter, getting a glare from the lady.

"Least you know someone."

"Yeah." I nodded.

"You were more talkitive at the party."

"I was?" I asked.

"Well I doubt you would remember, you did get pretty drunk."

"If i remember correctly you were the one who had gotten drunk."

"But you were drunk, so you don't remember correctly." He smirked. All my nerves seem to go away. I felt more cofident by justing knowing someone.

But that someone had a reputation, not a good one either. And if I had known that in the beginning I would've stayed clear of him.

I know the first two chapters aren't the best, but i promise they'll be drama and romance soon.

Feedback is greatly appreciated. I want to know what you think about(:

MadhouseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora