Chapter eight

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I'm kinda iffy on this chapter, hope you like it though.


I triple check to see if the doors locked when I get to the bathroom.

I turn the knob on the shower, adjusting it until it's just right before peeling off what was left of my clothes. I stood there until I was warm enough, I washed quickly then got out reaching for a towel. Whatever was left of my make up was completely smeared, I dabbed the corner of the towel until it was not so visible.

"Em, I need your clothes if you want them to be dry." Louis called through the door. "You can borrow a shirt of mine and shorts till yours get dry." He added. I cracked the door, handing him the wet towel which had my other clothes in it, he took it then a moment later handing me his clothes.

"Thanks," I said quietly, I heard him say welcome when I closed the door. Cassidys going to love this, I thought slipping the clothes on. The shirt fell mid thigh. I opened the door and jumped about back 5 feet.

"Louis! Stop being so damn sneaky." I gasped, he laughed and brushed passed me.

"I'll be taking that," I said reaching for my phone which was sticking up from his back pocket. He shut the door as I made my way to his bed. Time for a password, I thought going to my settings. Finally coming up with one, I layed back on the bed setting my phone on my stomach. I closed my eyes as I heard the water running.


I felt an arm wrapped around me, hugging me close to there chest. I opened my eyes to blue eyes starring back at me. I tried twisting away but he held me tighter.

"I could get use to this." He murmured. I glanced behind me at the window, it was already dark.

"Shoot," I muttered.




"Um, she's just someone who's taken care of me since I was a baby." I said, squirming around. He let go. I reached for my phone, unlocking it and dialling '2' which was Bridgit on speed diall.

"Hello?" She asked on the fourth ring.

"Hey. Listen I'm sorry I'm not hom-"

"Oh Emma, I'll be home later tonight."

"Oh okay." I said thankful that she wasn't home. She muttered a goodbye and I hung up.

"Need to go?" I nodded. He sighed and sat up, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm sure your clothes are dry. I'll go get them." He slid off the bed, then padded down the hallway. He was coming back when the door bell rang.

"I'll be right back," He tossed me my clothes before retreating.

*Louis POV*

I groaned making my way down the hallway, who would be coming over now?

"Oh fuck me," I said when I opened the door.

"No thank you." A very cocky, darked hair, dark eyed boy stood leaning on my door frame said.

"What do you want?"

"You to do a job."

"I'm out, and you know that."

"Trust me, I wouldn't want you in but he does." He nodded his head toward the car. I sighed.

"What kind of job?" I sighed.

"The usual."

"Fine, when?"


"See you then." I started to shut the door but his foot shot out blocking it.

"Who's this?" He pointed towards the hallway. Emma stood there looking between me and him, slightly confused.

A/N again:

Ooh so who is this "darked hair, dark eyed boy"?

Guess you'll find out Friday.

But like I said I really don't know about this chapter.. When I told my friend about this she was kinda saying things that made me second guess myself, so eh I don't know.

Thank you for the 24 votes!😘

Remember vote/comment/fan/add to your library whatever floats your goat really


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