Chapter Fourteen

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"So you're not coming with us?" Cassidy was going through her closet, throwing shirts behind her. Today was her date with Niall, also mine with Louis.

"Nope. Were going on a date," She nodded, looking at a skirt she pulled out.

"That's cute."

"You think so?" It was a simple black skirt that fell to her thighs when she held it against her waist.

"Yes. Maybe with one of your white blouses?"

She nodded, setting it on her bed. She clasped her hands together.

"Now you."

"What about me?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Your clothes. You're not going to wear that are you?"

"Why not?" It was a simple outfit. A black shirt and jeans.

"Ugh. No. I'll fix you up come on."


After an hour of hair being pulled through a straightner, eyeshadow applied with mascara and eye liner, and forced into a dress I was ready to go.

"This is stupid. I look stupid."

"You do not. You look great, Louis is going to have a hard time looking away from you." She smiled, admiring her work. "Okay now i have to get ready." She shooed me out of the room, i went downstairs. Wandering between the living room and kitchen.

What to do, what to do... I walked over to her full length mirror and looked over my outfit. I rarely wore dresses. Never felt the need to. The dress was beautiful. A pale blue that fell to mid thigh on me, a belt in the middle of the dress, black flats and a white jacket that she let me borrow. I still think it's a bit too much.

"Em can you get that? It might be Niall!" Cassidy said opening the bedroom door. As soon as she said that the door bell rang. I stared back at the bedroom door, how did she know that? I shook my head walking to the door and opened it. A guy with blonde hair that was combed upwards stood there. His bright blue eyes stared down at me curiously.

"You must be Niall." I said moving out of the way, he stepped in.

"Yeah. You must be Emma." He smiled.

"Cassidy is upstairs getting ready."

"Still?" He laughed.

"Well yeah. She probably would've been done but she got me ready." I gestured to my dress.

"Oh. Yeah, she told me you're not going with us anymore."

"Yeah, got a date." He nodded looking around.

"Do you want me to go see if she's almost ready?" He shrugged. Taking that as a yes I made my way to the hallway and then knocked on the door before opening it.

"He's waiting." I said watching her slip on her shoes.

"I know."

"You're lucky this isn't a cinderella story or he might turn into a pumpkin." She glared up at me.

"If you're going to make a dumb comment like that at least get your facts straight. The prince didn't turn into a pumpkin. The carrige did."

"Whatever. I don't watch fairytales anyways. But you get the point, he's waiting." The door bell rang.

"Want me to get that?" Niall called to us.

"Yes please." I called back. "Do you need help with anything?"

"Yeah, can you get the black jacket from my bed." She was leaning close to the mirror applying her mascara. I grabbed it and stood beside her watching her. She capped the mascara.

"How do I look?" She asked.

"Perfect." I said handing her, her jacket. She slipped it on as she was walking out.

"Wow." Niall said looking at Cassidy. She blushed and smiled shyly. I glanced over at Louis who stood against the wall, he was looking at his phone. My heart sunk, I doubt he even saw us walk out.

"Thank you." She said quietly. He hwrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her on the cheek. I looked away, staring at the wall as if it was the most interesting thing ever.

"You look amazing." Louis whispered in my ear, almost scaring me to death.

"Sorry." He let out a laugh. "They seem pre-occupied at the moment. Want to get going?"

"Yes please." I said. He grabbed my hand, I glanced back at them; they were staring at eachother with a lovey dovey expression.

"Where are we going?" I asked when he opened the car door for me.

"It's a suprise." He said before shutting the door. I shook my head smiling and pulled my jacket tighter around me.



Okay I tired making this as long as I could. I started writing this at eight but got distracted. Oops o_o

The next chapter will be the date! c:

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