Chapter Four

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Cassidy fumbled for a movie. "Um, Monster Inc?" She glanced at me, raising an eyebrow. I shrugged, It's a good movie. I stood up and went back to the kitchen, I was still freaked out by the fact that Louis walked in without being invited inside but I decieded to let it go. For now at least. I poured the popcorn into the bowl, then making my way to the fridge.

"Cassidy what do you want to drink?" I called when I opened it.

"Water!" She called back.

"Louis?" I asked glancing at him. He was leaning against the wall watching me.

"Nothing." He said pulling out his phone. I nodded grabbing two water bottles, I looked through the fridge just incase there was anything else, snack wise. I shut it turning around and walking right into Louis.

"Why were you standing right behind me?" I asked breathing out.

"Why not?" He smirked.

"But you were just right there." I pointed to the wall.

"Wanted a better view I guess."

"Of the fridge?" He stared at me blankly. "Oh." I said dropping my head walking passed him to grab the bowl.

"I'll get it." He reached over me grabbing it.

"Thank you." I muttered walking to the couch where Cassidy was sitting, the remote sitting on the arm rest. She was smiling at her phone.

"Oooh is that who I think it is?" I asked handing the water bottle to her. She blushed.

"Maybe." She locked her phone, slipping it in her pocket.

"The red on your cheeks says yes. What was he saying?" I sat down.

"Well.." Her gaze fell on Louis who walked in. "I'll tell you later." I nodded turning to the screen. Cassidy pushed play, Louis sat the bowl on my lap, I leaned my head on the back of the couch looking up at the ceiling, I didn't realize how tired I was. I put a hand over my mouth as I yawned closing my eyes.

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder.

"Go away," I muttered swatting the air. He chuckled. I opened my eyes half way. Louis peered down at me, a smile across his lips.

"Where's Cassidy?" I asked sitting up quickly.

"She had to go, she said that she would see you tomorrow."

"What time is it?"

"Oh about eleven thirty." He glanced at his phone.

"My parents." I stood up.

"They texted you. They would be home in the morning." He pushed me back on the couch. I nodded.

"Wait- you were in my room?" I said remembering I had left my phone on my bed. He nodded.


"Why not?" He smirked at me. "Okay, I was just wondering around." He shrugged like it was no big deal. I sighed.

"You should proabably leave."

"Probably." He nodded in agreement. I stood up, twisting away from his hand that was out to grab me.

"I'll show you out." I walked to the door, he followed me. I opened it, his hand shot out shutting it.

"I said probably. Not that I wanted to leave. You have nothing to do, neither do I. So what's the rush babe?"

Authors Note:

Theres a cover! :O

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